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Both high and temperature in acute stroke patients is an often blood pressure and low blood pressure were inde- neglected matter although it may have an important pendent prognostic factors for poor outcome cholesterol in eggs yolk best 20 mg atorlip-20. This chapter will summarize consideration that prolongation of the elevated blood the current knowledge regarding the management of pressure may be caused by more severe stroke as the above ideal cholesterol to hdl ratio buy cheap atorlip-20 20 mg on line. However cholesterol zly i dobry normy atorlip-20 20 mg purchase without a prescription, in most of these studies The association between elevated blood pressure and antihypertensive agents were administrated several recanalization was evaluated in 149 patients after weeks after stroke onset. The authors concluded that namic and metabolic impact of pharmacologically when there is need for or no contraindication against increased systemic blood pressure on the ischemic early antihypertensive therapy, candesartan is a safe core and penumbra was evaluated in rats. Three months after treatment tions including 319 subjects, the small size of the trials began, the active treatment group had a significantly and the inconclusive results limit conclusion as to the lower mortality compared to the placebo group. According to region, but raises the risks of hemorrhagic trans- the American guidelines [21] it is generally agreed formation, cerebral edema, recurrence of stroke and hypertensive encephalopathy. There is an indication to treat blood pressure blood pressure in the acute phase of ischemic stroke only if it is above 220 mmHg systolic or if the mean 244 was found and more research is needed to identify the blood pressure is higher than 120 mmHg. No data are effective strategies for blood pressure management in available to guide selection of medication for the Chapter 17: Management of acute ischemic stroke and its complications lowering of blood pressure in the setting of acute hyperglycemia) or could not be fully classified due ischemic stroke. The recommended medication and to missing data in the oral glucose tolerance test. Several ongoing clinical trials such as pendent of age, stroke type and stroke size. How- these conditions, including impaired vascular tone ever, it is not clear whether hyperglycemia itself and flow, disruption to endothelial function, changes affects stroke outcome or reflects, as a marker, the at the cellular level, intracellular acidosis and severity of the event due to the activation of stress increased aggregation and coagulability. Pretreatment with insulin was found to limit the Among the factors found to contribute to the ischemia. Glucose level is an important risk factor for morbid- In one systematic study [24b] it was shown that ity and mortality after stroke, but it is unclear glucose pathology is seen in up to 80% of acute whether hyperglycemia itself affects stroke out- patients, many of them showing a high probability comes or reflects the severity of the event as a of previously unrecognized diabetes. The study was conducted among 933 hyper- pre-thrombolysis patients, an even more aggres- glycemic acute stroke patients who received glucose- sive approach may be advisable. In the treatment group significantly lowered glucose and blood pressure values were documented; however, Hyperthermia no clinical benefit was found among the treated Several animal studies [35, 36] demonstrated the cor- patients. The time window for treating post-stroke relation of elevated temperature and poor outcome in hyperglycemia still remains uncertain. Similar results were found in variety of methods of insulin administration, includ- human observations. Patients with hyperglycemia temperature was recorded every 2 hours for 72 hours (glucose > 6. Hypothermia was A randomized, multicenter, blinded pilot trial, introduced more than 50 years ago as a protective Treatment of Hyperglycemia in Ischemic Stroke measure for the brain [39]. The aggressive-treatment group was associ- hours after brain injury was not found to be effective ated with somewhat better clinical outcomes, which [41]. Other applications for which therapeutic hypo- were not statistically significant. According to the American high doses ranging between 3900 and 6000 mg daily guidelines [21], even lower serum glucose levels, pos- [42,43], caused only very mild reduction in body sibly between 140 and 185 mg/dl, should trigger temperature, ranging from 0. Despite the current recom- The clinical benefit of this reduction is not well estab- mendation, a more aggressive approach is advised, lished. The use of external cooling aids [44], such as especially in pre-thrombolysis patients. Many ques- cooling blankets, cold infusions and cold washing, tions surrounding the role of glucose lowering ther- aiming at a body temperature of 33 C for 48 to 72 apy remain unanswered [32]. What level of blood hours in patients with severe middle cerebral artery glucose is best for intervention? How long should the insulin Similar results, of decreasing acute post-ischemic Chapter 17: Management of acute ischemic stroke and its complications cerebral edema, were found in a small pilot study Summary of endovascular induced hypothermia [45]. The use Optimal management of hypertension following of an endovascular cooling device which was inserted stroke has not been yet established. A U-shaped rela- into the inferior vena cave was evaluated among tionship between baseline systolic blood pressure and patients with moderate to severe anterior circulation both early death and late death or dependency has territory ischemic stroke in a randomized trial. Stroke patients with impaired consciousness results suggest that this approach is feasible and that showed higher mortality rates with increasing blood moderate hypothermia can be induced in patients pressure.

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The proposed method is intended user-friendly tool for the clinical measurement and monitoring of to estimate the probability distribution on the basis of the comparison the spinal sagittal curves in children and adolescents. Results: This combined method could provide do- 146 main structures supported content and/or construct validity by com- puter software automatically. Conclusion: With this approach we will be able to analyze the relationship of each of the questionnaire items mathematically of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran and to confrm latent structures within outcome instruments. Introduction/Background: Strategic planning has been used and ap- plied for many industrial disciplines. Urabe5 tion medicine is among those medical specialties that seems to be 1Nishi-Hiroshima Rehabilitation Hospital, Department of Rehabili- analyzed in this way. Once the appropriate (and correct) data has been composed Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3Kawakita and analyzed, the capabilities of the specialty are evaluated. The strengths and weaknesses of the feld are inter- Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Kyoto, Japan nal factors, while opportunities and threats normally are a result of external factors playing their part. Once the appropriate (and correct) data has been composed core set might be a useful clinical assessment tool for measuring and analyzed, the capabilities of the specialty are evaluated. The strengths and weaknesses of the feld are in- at four medical institutions in Japan were enrolled. Results: During the period between May 1 and Oct 31, the data of 25 patients (11 men, 14 women). Mueller1 1University Clinic of Munich, Orthopedic Surgery- Physical Medi- Introduction/Background: Core strength training, which usually done on stable surfaces, is an effective way to enhance physical ft- cine and Rehabilitation, Munich, Germany ness in youth. Previous study revealed that core strength training Introduction/Background: Local anesthetics are frequently preferred on unstable surfaces could improve some components of physical for intraarticular pain Management and in arthroscopic surgery. Training period lasted for 6 weeks (2 ses- acaine necrosis-inducing effects on all cell lines, the cell toxicity ef- sions/week), including frontal, dorsal and lateral core strength train- fect increasing steadily with the concentrations. Conclusion: Our results advise to prefer ropivacaine jumping sideways, Y balance, 20-m sprint and standing long jump), over bupivacaine in clinical use, e. Inhabited with or with- graphicimage, and biochemical indices were detected in Isl1+ posi- out a wheel, the mice were divided into three groups: the seden- tive cells by X-Gal staining. Cell neurogenesis and nation, as depicted by blue cells, existed in heart sinoatrial node, proliferation were examined using Brdu and Ki67 immunofuores- cardiac ganglia, the aortic arch and pulmonary roots in adult mice. Astrocyte, microglia neuron and c-fos were detected using Isl1 expression profle was corresponding with previous research. Results: Firstly, compared with the sedentary group, aerobic exercise mice were signifcantly increased (p<0. The animal model provides a useful tool for the Brdu-positive cells and Ki67 expression were signifcantly tracing cardiac progenitor cells in the study of cardiac regeneration. There were more Brdu-positive cells co exercise training compared to the sedentary control mice. Notch signal pathway was a conservative signal pathway to 1 1 1 control proliferation and differentiation. But the expression of relative proteins mill running was performed to the Ex and Ex+tempol groups, and among Notch signal pathway was decreased. In control group, there are no signifcant increase of Digit Span, sub test Digit Backward and Forward, and the Digit Symbol Coding scores. Kuntari1 1 case), which were found with abnormality at the follow-up of age 1 8 months and then were treated with selective rehabilitation therapy University of Padjadjaran, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and offered family-based rehabilitation guidance as level B case. Bandung, Indonesia At the follow-up of 1 year (corrected age), all cases with neurode- Introduction/Background: Short-term memory has a major role velopmental disorders were treated with rehabilitation therapy for in cognitive process, intelligence and academic performance of 4. Technological advancement, transportation and learning results of qualitative general movements assessment could be the activities make children less active.


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Oschman (2004) has reported Time Stage Cumulative total on studies which show that simply by earthing a per- of positional son’s bed to the ground their electrification decreases changes by 450-fold and that such earthing may help in re- 10:00–10:15 Wake stage 1 regulating the 24-hour cortisol rhythm cholesterol ratio of 5 buy cheap atorlip-20 20 mg online. Beach (personal communication cholesterol ratio guidelines atorlip-20 20 mg with mastercard, 2003) was the 1-2-3-4-3-2 first to suggest that these postures could be viewed as repeats through ‘attractor states’ cholesterol kinds generic atorlip-20 20 mg otc. Anecdotally, many mystics and • the cross-legged (Indian sit) ‘sensitives’ also find that their sensitivities are • the long legged posture (Fig. Chapter 9 • Rehabilitation and Re-education (Movement) Approaches 369 A B Figure 9. After an exhausting day of all this sitting omits the long-sit (long legged) position. In Western society most adults have lost the the most profound postural stressor on the average ability to comfortably perform most, or all, of these patient attending a naturopathic or rehabilitation- postures, due to the fact the body adapts to its envi- based clinic. Liebenson (2002b) explains that individ- ronment – its Western seated posture environment. In Germany there are some businesses that have Of course, this pattern is perpetuated throughout begun to incorporate multiple work stations (Cranz schooling and most commonly into the workplace. Commonly a short break 370 Naturopathic Physical Medicine of just a few seconds, moving into a different posture, These two foci are in contradistinction to what nature or stretching out, is recommended every 20–30 has provided: a nervous system and an anthropo- minutes. However, it is likely that based on the metrically, appropriately proportioned body. Advice is often skewed in favor Use it or lose it of the employer and is dependent on the mechanics of the national health care system. For example, kneeling outcome of this system is that it encourages malinger- down, it would be extremely rare, other than ers. However, a benefit is that employers and the through a genetic problem or surgery, to find government are, in general, extremely diligent with someone whose lower leg is too short or too their recommendations for micropauses, recommend- long for them to sit on (so their heels don’t ing them as frequently as every 3 minutes. This cor- reach their buttocks) relates well with what we know of connective tissue • archetypal postures, by their nature, involve creep. This poses a practical problem in of time off work (with work stress competing at a terms of encouraging patients to embrace this system. Arche- to adopt archetypal postures that they’ve lost the typal workstations would likely minimize back pain, ability to attain and/or sustain. Joints typically Akin to the dysfunctional use of painkillers, the very used in a smaller range of motion than our primate point of having a nervous system is not to attempt to cousins such as the hip, the knee, the shoulder and the sedate it, but to react to it. The nervous system is in cervical spine are more likely to develop degenerative place to allow the organism to respond more effec- change (Alexander 1994). Modern-day ergonomics communication, 2004) cites a book called Pain, The Gift has tried to provide adaptable height chairs, adjust- That Nobody Wants by Brand & Yancey (1994) whose able lumbar supports, variable angle seats – mainly in thrust is entirely congruent with this line of thought an attempt to: – the pain is there for a reason. Brand is an orthopedic surgeon who worked in India with those suffering • customize the measurements of the seat to the from leprosy, which highlighted to him the impor- measurements of the user, and tance of our ability to sense pain. He also observed • minimize the pain and discomfort of sitting in that Indian people rarely complained of osteoarthritis one position for several hours/day by offering in the hips. Inspired by his observation he compared supports (lumbar supports, foot rests, wrist radiographs of Indian and Western patients and supports, head rests, etc. However, Chapter 9 • Rehabilitation and Re-education (Movement) Approaches 371 what struck him was the uneven wear on the hip neck to help maintain an optimal angle of inclination joints of the Westerners – where degenerative change (and therefore an optimal instantaneous axis of rota- occurred primarily in the sagittal plane of the joint. This is a natural, inbuilt load all around the ball – not just in one line along an means of counteracting gravitational stress that the anteroposterior line (Brand & Yancey 1994). Of course, osteoporosis and reset the sacroiliac joints with the concomitant and femoral neck fracture may be associated with contraction of the transversus abdominis. A shocking statistic is that, from to defecate and its suggested benefit to sacroiliac func- just 50 years of age onwards, according to the National tion (M Tetley, personal communication, 2004) is con- Osteoporosis Foundation (2006), hip fracture results sistent with the work of DonTigny (1997) who in a 24% mortality rate in the first year after the recommends a variety of posterior rotation mobiliza- trauma. However, imagine if the full squat position mechanically compresses the ascend- squat was regularly used as an archetypal rest pos- ing colon (and, of course, the descending colon), ture. Interest- aiding peristalsis in the former and stimulating ingly, it completely reverses the loading through the urgency to evacuate (secondary to stimulation of 126˚ 120˚ 145˚ Angle of inclination Angle of inclination Angle of inclination in a 3-year-old child in adult in old age A B C Figure 9. Reproduced with permission from Platzer et al (2000) 372 Naturopathic Physical Medicine Figure 9. Redrawn from an image kindly provided by Paul Chek colonic stretch receptors) in the latter. Additionally, sympathetic dominance towards parasympathetic the full squat assists decompression of the lumbar dominance by nightfall.

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Compare this with a controlled supervised of (usually) L5 on S1 – but may occur at any level of environment in the gym where even lifting their own the spine cholesterol and heart disease buy genuine atorlip-20 on-line. Baechle & Earle (2000) agree that there is no lower age limit when 6Assuming the diagnosis is a McKenzie derangement – one resistance training may commence cholesterol food free discount atorlip-20 20 mg free shipping. Stability of the slippage may depend might be an engram (see above for definition) cholesterol maladie definition atorlip-20 20 mg mastercard. For on a number of factors, including, but not limited to , example, if an elite tennis player were to be asked to pain, local muscle function and dynamic imaging. If a casual player were asked to perform the same task, their success would be sig- What is a biomechanical attractor? An attractor, used a tennis racket was asked to perform the given as described by O’Connor & McDermott (1997), is a task, the result would be almost zero serves hitting stable, reproducible state. This is because the serve pattern orbiting the sun are in an attractor state with the sun. Complex systems seem to want to revert erately impaired by negating them of their primary to some kind of stable state. In chaos theory, order feedback tool, they are able to perform the technique tends to arise from the chaos, and it is this order that with good reliability. In the preface to their book Signs of Life – How Com- Looking more to how these attractor states may have plexity Pervades Biology, Sole & Goodwin (2000) state relevance to the naturopath, it must be considered that: how, and which, attractor states arose within the New sciences combine biology with physics in a chaos of human behavior. Such attractor states will manner that allows us to see the creative fabric of provide clues as to how the human organism has natural processes as a single dynamic unfolding. To complex dynamics from which emerge characteristic do this requires some idea of the environment in patterns of order. This emergence of order from chaos eloquently Of course, knowing Homo sapiens exact develop- describes exactly what comprises a biomechanical mental environment poses some level of challenge. Goldfield’s (1995) definitions of the features The aquatic ape hypothesis (Attenborough 2002, of an attractor (Box 9. An attractor is a region of state space (the set of all states that may be reached by a system, together habitat. This suggestion offers an explanation for the with the paths for doing so) where trajectories extraordinary leap from tetrapedalism to fully come to rest. An attractor can be a point, cycle or area of state our ancestors spent much of their time wading. Wading, of course, both supports some of the body weight, as well as providing resistance to the axial 3. A physical system can have one or more attractors, and it is the number and layout of these attractors rotation of the body during gait – as described above that influence the system. The configuration of attractors has a critical influence on the behavior of the system. A change in the layout The single biggest physical stressor on the human of attractors leads to new competition between body is gravity. Gravity is relentless, stressing our attractors and results in a shift to different modes. Chapter 9 • Rehabilitation and Re-education (Movement) Approaches 363 What can be known, therefore, is that no matter • Instinctive sleep postures = Protein where in the world our ancestors evolved, gravity • Archetypal rest postures = Fats was exerting itself in exactly the same way with • Primal patterns = Carbohydrate exactly the same magnitude. This is why relatively one exercise pattern, will push the biomechanical narrow reference ranges in goniometric assessment of environment outside its functional physiological human biomechanics can be handed some level of range. The endpoint of this biochemical meters per second squared) instability may be diabetes mellitus, while the end- • resistance from planar surfaces (Cranz 2000) point of this biomechanical instability may be the laying down of osteophytes in a last ditch attempt to provide a foundation to work with in terms of the stabilize the unstable joint. Of course, these factors which drive bio- Instinctive sleep postures (see in particular chemical requirements are about as diverse as they sections in Chapter 10 on fatigue and could be, resulting in the well-established and very naturopathic phenomenon of biochemical individual- fibromyalgia) ity (Williams 1956, 1988). Hence, nutrient reference Before the topics of sleep and rest postures are ranges have far less validity than joint range of motion embraced, a key concept to acknowledge is that there reference ranges, for example. No matter With the combination of biomechanical universality what position the body is in, there is stress on certain (relatively undifferentiated physical challenges) and parts more than others. In supine lying, for example, the organizing principle of attractor states, we are able the sacrum counternutates with respect to the innomi- to understand a great deal more about how the human nate, meaning that more stress is placed on the long frame was designed by nature to function. Beach (per- dorsal sacroiliac ligament while less stress is placed sonal communication, 2003) recognized that his on the sacrotuberous ligament (Lee 2005). Instead, a concept of archetypal rest postures (see below) could continuum from very little movement to a lot of be classified as attractor states as they are stable states movement is a better, more accurate way to view the to which the human organism returns consistently body. In life, there is always movement; it’s just the after the relative chaos of daily movement.

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Jensgar, 59 years: A large number of thoracic surgery lowing cardiac surgery and chest trauma patients have underlying lung diseases that are • Describe the initial assessment of the patient who has suf- fered blunt chest trauma associated with an increase in the morbidity and • Recognize and treat the most common causes of postcardiac mortality from surgery, especially in the elderly. Stroke: often it is difficult to determine whether the high blood pressure caused the stroke, or whether the stroke resulted in high blood pressure in an attempt to maintain cerebral perfusion. Fulminant hepatitis carries a poor prognosis (the mortality for comatose patients is 80%) and often is fatal without an emer- gency liver transplant.

Samuel, 49 years: One of every seven patients has a drinking prob­ lem, according to the Alcohol and D rug Dependence Clinic in Memphis, Tennessee. The tension should be held for at least 10 practitioner moves the shoulder further into flexion, to seconds and then slowly released. Testamentary capacity (capacity to make a Will at a particular point in time) is not usually questioned (i.

Giacomo, 32 years: Society’s aim could be: (1) to stop drug-taking in pregnancy; (2) to make women fulWl their obligations; or (3) to minimize preventable harms to babies. A dose of 1 teaspoon herb preparation per cup (150 mL) of water 28 is generally recommended. Beginning in the endoplasmic reticulum and continuing in the Golgi, triacylglycerol is packaged with cholesterol, lipoproteins and other lipids into particles called chylomicrons.

Kaelin, 48 years: This might result in an exaggerated narrowing of The study also showed that deficits in lung function that are the airway after a bronchoconstricting stimulus. Intra-abdominal hypertension is a sustained increase in intra-abdominal pressure above 12mmHg. Embolic potential, to predict thromboembolic events after prosthetic prevention and management of mural thrombus valve surgery.

Cole, 61 years: Ask about his social activities - loner, hobbies, pastimes, feelings experienced when in company, and sports. Here was a man whom he knew as an honourable scientist, acting in opposition to all scientific principles. How many drinks does it take to make you but also has been deemed appropriate by the feel high (Tolerance)?

Olivier, 39 years: In the next chapter constitutional Foundation models of manual medicine are explored. Because so many schools questioned their rating, the Council asked the Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching to report on the matter. Both types are suited for This can cause serious imbalance among treatment exploratory clinical research, and both types are groups and seriously jeopardize the likelihood of suited for diseases which are rare.

Mojok, 55 years: W hen workers believed that m anagem ent cared, w hether by increasing or decreasing the lighting, for example, they tried harder. In 1911 they found 4 that injections of pollen temporarily cured those who suffered from the allergy. Prevailing paradigm s springing from materialistic and mechanistic bases are blurring at the edges.

Kulak, 47 years: Uchida K, Nakajima H, Miyazaki T, Yayama T, Kawahara H, Kobayashi S, Tsuchida T, Okazawa H, Fujibayashi Y, Baba H. Patients with hypovolaemic shock and septic shock need large volumes of fluids, i. T he futurologists Kahn and W einer include am ong their list of “one hundred technical innovations likely in the next thirty-three years” the following biomedical speculations:113 • major reduction in hereditary and congenital defects; • extensive use o f cyborg techniques; • controlled, supereffective relaxation and sleep ther­ apies; Breakthroughs in Biomedical Technology 119 • new, m ore varied, and m ore reliable drugs for control of fatigue, relaxation, alertness, mood, personality, perceptions, and fantasies; • general and substantial increase in life expectancy, postponem ent of aging, and limited rejuvenation; • high quality medical care for underdeveloped areas; • m ore extensive use of transplantation of hum an or­ gans; • widespread use of cryogenics or freezing techniques; • im proved chemical control of some mental illness and some aspects of senility; and • extensive genetic control for plants and animals.

Ashton, 64 years: The individual was brought to our clinic with focused thalamic hemorrhage patients who received rehabilitation in 03 weeks history of dysphagia and no associated motor or sensory a post-acute rehabilitation hospital and examined relationships be- weakness. Stability of the slippage may depend might be an engram (see above for definition). Health Psychology Müller-Oerlinghausen B, Berg C, Scherer P et al 2004 4:101–108 Effects of slow-stroke massage as complementary Michaud C 2004 Osteopathy – a very promising treatment of depressed hospitalized patients: result of a approach to improve the quality of life in persons controlled study.

Gonzales, 52 years: Licensing The administration of therapeutic doses of radionuclides must be under the responsibility of a physician who is licensed under national regulations to administer radioactive materials to humans. The syringe was connected to infusion tubing, which was primed before placing it in the infusion pump. Bylebyl Fellowship, The William Coleman Fel- The combination of research training in lowship, The Harry Woolf Fellowship, and regu- molecular biology and genetics with knowl- lar department fellowships are among those edge of human biology uniquely qualifes available.

Esiel, 57 years: Nerve conduction tests show diminished motor amplitudes suggestive of axonal neuropathy. The highlighted languages in Table 1 are those that are not present in the list of the eleven languages most spoken by Italy’s foreign resi- dents (Istat 2014). As there are redundancies in the immune system, many complement disorders are never diagnosed.

Brontobb, 31 years: In view of the fact that gamma emitting radionuclides are most commonly used, a monitor based on a scintil- lation detector will be suitable, although in situations where beta emitters are used, a Geiger–Müller counter is also valuable. Members of the department who At their discretion, faculty members reserve work in the area of cell biology participate in the right to require students to take elective the joint program in Biochemistry, Cellular courses. Diastolic failure is less well understood and appears to be due to hypertension, as well as other less common causes such as restrictive cardiomyopathy or aortic stenosis.

Lester, 37 years: To calculate these statistics, ultrasound results Positive predictive value ð%Þ must be compared to the established gold standards, true positives usually angiography, surgery or autopsy findings. Neurogenic swallowing disorders are common in the course of stroke due to widespread involvement Special topics of different brain areas, including cortical (mainly sensory and motor cortex, premotor cortex) and Dysphagia brainstem areas, e. In other words, global bio- ethics needs to try to get away from the misguided polarization between universalism and relativism, on the one hand, and between individualism and collectivism, on the other hand.

Pavel, 56 years: A small number of synapses do not use neurotransmitters but involve the direct flow of small molecules and ions from the cytoplasm of one cell to the adjacent cytoplasm of another cell through channels called gap junctions. Carefully designed exercise programs have been shown to help prevent These known physical therapy effects would be well diseases of aging and slow the progression of some applied in enhancing performance in sports, and may degenerative diseases. Marcia Thomas Duncan Memorial Schol- arship This scholarship, established in 1980 Class of 1978 Scholarship Fund Endowed in memory of Marcia Thomas Duncan, is by the Class of 1978 to commemorate their awarded annually to a frst year medical stu- 25th Reunion; the income will provide schol- dent.

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