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G. Corwyn, MD

Professor, University of Alaska at Fairbanks

Although mild adverse effects are very common medicine 7253 buy trecator sc 250 mg mastercard, it is seldom necessary to discontinue the drug because of them medicine ads trecator sc 250 mg purchase with mastercard. Danazol should be used with great caution in patients with hepatic dysfunction symptoms just before giving birth trecator sc 250 mg low cost, since it has been reported to produce mild to moderate hepatocellular damage in some patients, as evidenced by enzyme changes. It is also contraindicated during pregnancy and breast-feeding, as it may produce urogenital abnormalities in the offspring. Like anastrozole and letrozole, it is approved for use in women with advanced breast cancer (see Chapter 54). In addition to their use in breast cancer, aromatase inhibitors have been successfully employed as adjuncts to androgen antagonists in the treatment of precocious puberty and as primary treatment in the excessive aromatase syndrome. Fulvestrant is a pure estrogen receptor antagonist that has been somewhat more effective than those with partial agonist effects in some patients who have become resistant to tamoxifen. It exhibits significant protein binding and enterohepatic circulation and is distributed to adipose tissues. In humans it leads to an increase in the secretion of gonadotropins and estrogens by inhibiting estradiol’s negative feedback effect on the gonadotropins (Figure 40–5). Effects The pharmacologic importance of this compound rests on its ability to stimulate ovulation in women with oligomenorrhea or amenorrhea and ovulatory dysfunction. The majority of patients suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome, a common disorder affecting about 7% of women of reproductive age. The syndrome is characterized by gonadotropin-dependent ovarian hyperandrogenism associated with anovulation and infertility. Clomiphene probably blocks the feedback inhibitory influence of estrogens on the hypothalamus, causing a surge of gonadotropins, which leads to ovulation. Clinical Use Clomiphene is used in the treatment of disorders of ovulation in patients who wish to become pregnant. Usually, a single ovulation is induced by a single course of therapy, and the patient must be treated repeatedly until pregnancy is achieved, since normal ovulatory function does not usually resume. In patients who ovulate, the initial rise is followed by a second rise of gonadotropin levels just prior to ovulation. Adverse Effects The most common adverse effects in patients treated with this drug are hot flushes, which resemble those experienced by menopausal patients. There have been occasional reports of eye symptoms due to intensification and prolongation of afterimages. Headache, constipation, allergic skin reactions, and reversible hair loss have been reported occasionally. The effective use of clomiphene is associated with some stimulation of the ovaries and usually with ovarian enlargement. The degree of enlargement tends to be greater and its incidence higher in patients who have enlarged ovaries at the beginning of therapy. A variety of other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, increased nervous tension, depression, fatigue, breast soreness, weight gain, urinary frequency, and heavy menses have also been reported. However, these appear to result from the hormonal changes associated with an ovulatory menstrual cycle rather than from the medication. Clomiphene has not been shown to have an adverse effect when inadvertently given to women who are already pregnant. Contraindications & Cautions Special precautions should be observed in patients with enlarged ovaries. Maximum ovarian enlargement occurs after the 5-day course has been completed, and many patients can be shown to have a palpable increase in ovarian size by the seventh to tenth days. Treatment with clomiphene for more than a year may be associated with an increased risk of low-grade ovarian cancer; however, the evidence for this effect is not conclusive. Special precautions must also be taken in patients who have visual symptoms associated with clomiphene therapy, since these symptoms may make activities such as driving more hazardous. High concentrations of testosterone locally are also required for continuing sperm production in the seminiferous tubules. The Sertoli cells in the seminiferous tubules may be the source of the estradiol produced in the testes via aromatization of locally produced testosterone. The Sertoli cells in the testis synthesize and secrete a variety of active proteins, including müllerian duct inhibitory factor, inhibin, and activin. As in the ovary, inhibin and activin appear to be the product of three genes that produce a common α subunit and two β subunits, A and B. The pathways of synthesis of testosterone in the testes are similar to those previously described for the adrenal gland and ovary (Figures 39–1 and 40–2).

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It arises from the maxilla just supe­ rior to the infra-orbital foramen, and its fbers pass downward and medially to blend with the orbicularis oris and insert into the skin of the upper lip. It elevates the corner of the Anterior auricular mouth and may help deepen the furrow between the Posterior auricular nose and the corner of the mouth during sadness. Platysma Occipitofrontalis The platysma is a large, thin sheet of muscle in the super­ The occipitofrontalis is the fnal muscle in this category fcial fascia of the neck. It arises below the clavicle in the of "other muscles of facial expression" and is associated upper part of the thorax and ascends through the neck to with the scalp (see Fig. An aponeu­ on the mandible, whereas the lateral fbers join with rotic tendon connects the two: muscles around the mouth. The platysma tenses the skin of the neck and can move • The frontal belly covers the forehead and is attached the lower lip and corners of the mouth down. Three of these muscles, "other muscles of facial expres­ sion," are associated with the ear-the anterior, superior, The occipitofrontalis muscles move the scalp and 910 and posterior auricular muscles (Fig. Regional anatomy • Face sternocleidomastoid muscle and continue anteriorly to Parotid gland halfway across the masseter muscle. The parotid glands are the largest of the three pairs of Theparotid ductleaves the anterior edge of the parotid main salivary glands in the head and numerous structures gland midway between the zygomatic arch and the corner pass through them. It crosses the face in a transverse lower half of the ear, superfcial, posterior, and deep to the direction and, afer crossing the medial border of the mas­ ramus of the mandible (Fig. They extend down to seter muscle, turns deeply into the buccal fat pad and the lower border of the mandible and up to the zygomatic pierces the buccinator muscle. Several major structures enter and pass through or • The superfcial temporal artery continues in a superior pass just deep to the parotid gland. It usually divides into through the substance of the parotid gland, where there anterior and posterior branches just below the inferior may befurther branching and anastomosing of the nerves. External carotid artery and its branches The auriculotemporal nerve also carries secretomotor The external carotid artery enters into or passes deep to the fbers to the parotid gland. As it con­ pathetic fbers have their origin in the otic ganglion associ­ tinues in a superior direction, it gives off the posterior ated with the mandibular nerve [V3] and are just inferior auricular artery before dividing into its two terminal to the foramen ovale. The parotid gland produces a watery saliva and salivary amylase, which are necessary for food bolus formation, oral digestion, and smooth passage of the bolus into the upper gastrointestinal tract. The patient usually complains of intense pain when salivating and tends to avoid foods that produce this symptom. If it is within the anterior aspect ofthe duct, a simple incision in the Styloid process Right jugular vein Tumor in buccal mucosa with a sphincterotomy may allow removal. Each of these divisions passes out of the primarily derived from the frst and second pharyngeal cranial cavity to innervate a part of the face, so most of arches, innervation of neighboring facial structures is as the skin covering the face is innervated solely by branches follows: of the trigeminal nerve [V]. Ophthalmic nerve [V,] The ophthalmic nerve [V1] exits the skull through the superior orbital fssure and enters the orbit. The muscles of the face, as well as those associated with • Buccal branches emerge from the anterior border of the the external ear and the scalp, are derived from the second parotid gland to supply muscles in the cheek, the upper pharyngeal arch. It passes through • Cervical branches emerge from the inferior border of the temporal bone, giving off several branches,and emerges the parotid gland to supply the platysma. This branch passes upward, behind the ear, to Vessels supply the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle of The arterial supply to the face is primarily from branches the scalp and the posterior auricular muscle of the ear. It Facial artery passes along the side of the nose and terminates as the The facial artery is the major vessel supplying the face angular artery at the medial corner of the eye. It branches from the anterior surface of the Along its path the facial artery is deep to the platysma, external carotid artery, passes up through the deep struc­ risorius, and zygomaticus major and minor, superfcial to tures of the neck, and appears at the lower border of the the buccinator and levator anguli oris, and may pass mandible after passing posterior to the submandibular superfcially to or through the levator labii superioris. Curving around the inferior border of the mandible Branches of the facial artery include the superior just anterior to the masseter, where its pulse can be felt, the and inferior labial branches and the lateral nasal branch facial artery then enters the face. Three small arteries from the internal carotid artery also • Thesuperior labial branchsupplies the upper lip, and contribute to the arterial supply of the face. This provides an important • The zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal connection between the facial arteries and the external arteries come from the lacrimal branch of the ophthal­ carotid arteries of opposite sides.

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She administered two puffs from her inhaler just before coming to the hospital medications routes trecator sc 250 mg buy line, but “the inhaler doesn’t seem to have helped symptoms hiatal hernia purchase genuine trecator sc line. A consistent increase in the prevalence of asthma over the past 60 years has made it an extraordinarily common disease treatment yeast infection male purchase trecator sc now. The reasons for this increase—shared across all modern, “westernized” societies—are poorly understood, but in the United States alone, 18. The clinical features of asthma are recurrent bouts of shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing, often associated with coughing. Its hallmark physiologic features are widespread, reversible narrowing of the bronchial airways and a marked increase in bronchial responsiveness to inhaled stimuli; and its pathologic features are lymphocytic, eosinophilic inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. These changes are accompanied by “remodeling” of the bronchial wall, with thickening of the lamina reticularis beneath the epithelium and hyperplasia of the bronchial vasculature, smooth muscle, secretory glands, and goblet cells. In mild asthma, symptoms occur only intermittently, as on exposure to allergens or air pollutants, on exercise, or after viral upper respiratory infection. More severe forms of asthma are associated with more frequent and severe symptoms, especially at night. Chronic airway constriction causes persistent respiratory impairment, punctuated by frequent acute asthmatic attacks, or “asthma exacerbations. The spectrum of asthma’s severity is wide, and patients are classified as having “mild intermittent,” “mild persistent,” “moderate persistent,” and “severe persistent,” either based on the frequency and severity of symptoms and the severity of airflow obstruction on pulmonary function testing or by the minimal medical therapy required to keep their asthma well- controlled, and as “exacerbation-prone” or “exacerbation-resistant” based on the frequency of asthma exacerbations. Until recently, the entire range of asthma severity was regarded as eminently treatable, because treatments for quick relief of symptoms of acute bronchoconstriction (“short-term relievers”) and treatments for reduction in symptoms and prevention of attacks (“long-term controllers”) have been shown effective in many large, well-designed clinical trials, case-control studies, and evidence-based reviews. The persistence of high medical costs for asthma, driven largely by the costs of emergency department and hospital treatment of asthma exacerbations, was thus believed to reflect underutilization of the treatments available. Reconsideration of this view was driven by recognition that the term “asthma” is applied to a variety of different disorders sharing common clinical features but fundamentally different pathophysiologic mechanisms. Attention has thus turned to the possibility that there are different asthma forms or phenotypes, some of which are less responsive to the current mainstays of asthma controller therapy. The current view of asthma treatment may be summarized as follows: that the treatments commonly used at present are indeed effective for the most common form of the disease, as it presents in children and young adults with allergic asthma, but that there are other phenotypes of asthma for which these therapies are less effective, and that represent an unmet medical need. Accordingly, this chapter first reviews the pathophysiology of the most common form of asthma and the basic pharmacology of the agents used in its treatment. It will then turn to discussion of different forms or phenotypes of asthma and the efforts to develop effective therapies for them. These qualify as allergens on the basis of their induction of IgE antibody production in people exposed to them. The tendency to produce IgE is at least in part genetically determined, and asthma clusters with other allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, eczema) in family groups. Once produced, IgE binds to high-affinity receptors (FcεR-1) on mast cells in the airway mucosa (Figure 20–1), so that re- exposure to the allergen triggers the release of mediators stored in the mast cells’ granules and the synthesis and release of other mediators. The histamine, tryptase, leukotrienes C and D , and prostaglandin D released cause the smooth muscle4 4 2 contraction and vascular leakage responsible for the acute bronchoconstriction of the “early asthmatic response. These cytokines are thought to attract and activate eosinophils, stimulate IgE production by B lymphocytes, and stimulate mucus production by bronchial epithelial cells. It is not clear whether lymphocytes or mast cells in the airway mucosa are the primary source of the mediators responsible for the late inflammatory response, but the benefits of corticosteroid therapy are attributed to their inhibition of the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the airways. Most asthma attacks are not triggered by inhalation of allergens, but instead by viral respiratory infections. Some adults with asthma have no evidence of allergic sensitivity to allergens, and bronchospasm can be provoked by nonallergenic stimuli such as distilled water aerosol, exercise, cold air, cigarette smoke, and sulfur dioxide. This tendency to develop bronchospasm on encountering nonallergenic stimuli—assessed by measuring the fall in maximal expiratory flow provoked by inhaling serially increasing concentrations of the aerosolized cholinergic agonist methacholine—is described as “bronchial hyper-reactivity. The mechanisms underlying bronchial hyper-reactivity are incompletely understood but appear to be related to inflammation of the airway mucosa. Whatever the mechanisms responsible for bronchial hyper-reactivity, bronchoconstriction itself results not simply from the direct effect of the released mediators but also from their activation of neural pathways.


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Sublingual F × dose and rectal administration avoids the portal circulation medications quiz purchase 250 mg trecator sc otc, and sublingual = Clp × Cp symptoms low blood sugar best buy for trecator sc, average dosing interval preparations in particular are valuable in administering drugs subject to a high degree of frst-pass metabolism 72210 treatment generic 250 mg trecator sc. The t1/2 value of a drug is useful in choosing a dosing interval that does not produce excessively high Distribution and excretion peaks (toxic levels) and low troughs (ineffective levels) in drug Distribution around the body occurs when the drug reaches the circula- concentration. The t1/2 (half-life) is the time taken for the concentration of drug in Bioavailability This is a term used to describe the proportion the blood to fall by half its original value (right, top graph). Bioavailability Measurement of t1/2 allows the calculation of the elimination rate is 100% following an intravenous injection (F = 1), but drugs constant (Kel) from the formula: are usually given orally, and the proportion of the dose reaching the systemic circulation varies with different drugs and also from 0 69. Excretion The exponential curve of plasma concentration (C ) against time (t) Renal excretion This is ultimately responsible for the elimination of p is described by: most drugs. Drugs appear in the glomerular fltrate, but if they are lipid soluble they are readily reabsorbed in the renal tubules by passive C = C e−Kelt diffusion. Metabolism of a drug often results in a less lipid-soluble p 0 compound, aiding renal excretion (see Chapter 4). By taking loga- The ionization of weak acids and bases depends on the pH of the rithms, the exponential curve can be transformed into a more conven- tubular fuid. Manipulation of the urine pH is sometimes useful in ient straight line (right, bottom graph) from which C0 and t1/2 can increasing renal excretion. Drug absorption, distribution and excretion 13 4 Drug metabolism Cytochrome Enzyme induction Some drugs increase enzyme Increase metabolism P-450-dependent synthesis (e. Oxidations are the most common reactions and these are catalysed 1 The drug is made more hydrophilic – this hastens its excretion by by an important class of enzymes called the mixed function oxidases the kidneys (right, ) because the less lipid-soluble metabolite is not (cytochrome P-450s). Other phase I reactions are reductions (middle left) and However, this is not always so, and sometimes the metabolites are as hydrolysis (bottom left). Prodrugs are inactive until ciently polar to be excreted rapidly by the kidneys are made more they are metabolized in the body to the active drug. For example, hydrophilic by conjugation with endogenous compounds in the liver levodopa, an antiparkinsonian drug (Chapter 26), is metabolized to (centre of fgure). This increases the rate of The liver is the main organ of drug metabolism and is involved in metabolism of the inducing drug and also of other drugs metabolized two general types of reaction. In contrast, drugs sometimes inhibit microsomal enzyme activity (top, ) and this increases the action of drugs metabolized by the same enzyme (top right, ). Phase I reactions These involve the biotransformation of a drug to a In addition to these drug–drug interactions, the metabolism of drugs more polar metabolite (left of fgure) by introducing or unmasking a may be infuenced by genetic factors (pharmacogenetics), age and functional group (e. Such drugs are metabo- may inhibit different forms of cytochrome P-450 and so affect the lized little, if at all, and the termination of their actions depends mainly metabolism only of drugs metabolized by that particular isoenzyme. However, most drugs are highly lipophilic and are Cimetidine inhibits the metabolism of several potentially toxic drugs often bound to plasma proteins. Erythromycin also tered at the renal glomerulus and the free drug readily diffuses back inhibits the cytochrome P-450 system and increases the activity of from the tubule into the blood, such drugs would have a very pro- theophylline, warfarin, carbamazepine and digoxin. In general, drugs are metabolized to more polar compounds, which are Genetic polymorphisms more easily excreted by the kidneys. The response to drugs varies between individuals Liver and, because the variations usually have a Gaussian distribution, it is The main organ of drug metabolism is the liver, but other organs, such assumed that the determinant of the response is multifactorial. However, some drug responses show discontinuous variation and, in Drugs given orally are usually absorbed in the small intestine and enter these cases, the population can be divided into two or more groups, the portal system to travel to the liver, where they may be extensively suggesting a single-gene polymorphism. For example, chlorpromazine is metabolized more in the intes- show exaggerated and prolonged responses to drugs such as pro- tine than by the liver. About 50% of the Microsomal mixed function oxidase system population acetylate isoniazid (an antitubercular drug) rapidly, whereas Many of the enzymes involved in drug metabolism are located on the the other 50% acetylate it slowly. Slow acetylation is caused by an smooth endoplasmic reticulum, which forms small vesicles when the autosomal recessive gene that is associated with decreased hepatic tissue is homogenized. There are various methods for calculat- These usually occur in the liver and involve conjugation of a drug or ing paediatric doses (see British National Formulary). The resulting In the elderly, hepatic metabolism of drugs may be reduced, but conjugates are almost always less active and are polar molecules that declining renal function is usually more important. However, not all enzymes subject to induction are micro- Occasionally, reactive products of drug metabolism are toxic to somal. However, these processes become saturated at high doses and the drug Enzyme inhibition is then conjugated with glutathione.

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Such a distinction seems 228 Chapter 8 more practical from an imaging point of view symptoms ear infection trecator sc 250 mg order with mastercard, be- cause axial or horizontal cuts performed perpendic- ular to the long axis of the brainstem contribute more to anatomic imaging correlations and struc- tural analysis treatment neutropenia trecator sc 250mg buy mastercard. A In the following symptoms your period is coming discount trecator sc express, we will develop the gross mor- phology and the structural and functional anatomy of the mesencephalon, or midbrain, with special empha- sis on the functional aspects of the colliculi, the mes- encephalon, composed of both the pons and the cere- bellum, and the myelencephalon or medulla oblongata. A The Midbrain The midbrain is the smallest of the three major sub- divisions of the brainstem, situated between the pons caudally and the diencephalon dorsally. The midbrain connects the pons conjunctivum); 7, midbrain tegmentum; 8, lateral lemniscus; and the cerebellum caudally with the diencephalon 9, midbrain-thalamic region; 10, middle cerebellar peduncle; rostrally. It is the shortest segment of the brainstem, 11, inferior cerebellar peduncle; 12, pontine tegmentum; 13, measuring 2 cm in length. Its long axis inclines ven- flocculus and paraflocculus; 14, superior aspect of cerebellar trally from its caudal to its rostral aspect. Dorsal to the cerebral aqueduct is the tectum, represented by the superior and inferior colliculi 1234 The Brainstem and Cerebellum 229 Fig. The cru- ra cerebri are massive bundles of white fibers consti- tuting the ventral surface of the midbrain and emerging from the cerebral hemispheres on each side of the median plane. The pedun- cles form the posterior and lateral boundaries of the interpeduncular fossa, the posterior portion of which corresponds to the posterior perforated sub- stance, through which pass the central branches of the posterior cerebral arteries. The crura cerebri consist almost entirely of descending fibers, the cor- ticospinal tract projecting to the spinal cord, the cor- ticopontine tracts terminating in the pontine nuclei and the corticobulbar tract projecting into specific regions of the lower brainstem and mainly to the brainstem reticular formation. The ventral surface of each crus is crossed from medial to lateral by the proxi- B mal segments of the posterior cerebral and superior Fig. The main anatomic structures found of Magendie; 20, basilar artery; 21, epiphysis; 22, third ven- tricle; 23, thalamus; 24, optic chiasm; 25, anterior commis- are the cerebral aqueduct, surrounded by the central sure; 26, fornix; 27, splenium of corpus callosum; 28, caudate gray matter (periaqueductal gray) separating the nucleus tectum, represented by the quadrigeminal plate, 1234 230 Chapter 8 from the tegmentum. The latter is separated by the mainly from the visual cortex, are also highly orga- darkly pigmented substantia nigra from the cerebral nized, reaching the superior colliculus via its brachi- peduncles or crura cerebri most ventrally. A correspondence exists between terminations larly prominent are the red nuclei and the substantia of both retinotectal and corticotectal fibers in the nigra as well as the cerebral peduncles, which are superior colliculus. The deep layers of the superior colliculus receive afferent fibers from Major structures are identified at this level: (1) the the spinal cord via the spinotectal tract and from the superior colliculi at the rostral part of the tectal plate, brainstem, mainly the inferior colliculus and the au- (2) the periaqueductal gray matter and the V-shaped ditory relay nuclei. The descending fibers originating from the the substantia nigra, ventral to the tegmental region deep layers project to the brainstem and the spinal and dorsal to the crus cerebri or cerebral peduncle, (6) cord as tectoreticular, tectopontine, tectobulbar and the cerebral peduncles, with its concavity directed to- tectospinal tracts. Experimental unilat- The superior colliculi are large and flattened swellings eral lesions of the superior colliculus in animals constituting the rostral half of the tectal plate, prima- show no disturbance of eye movements (Sprague rily associated with the optic system. However, if the visual cortex in animals is re- rior colliculi, they are simplified in higher vertebrates, moved, the superior colliculus loses its functional becoming reduced in size in primates and in humans. In human, the superior colliculus presents a complex laminar organization, as observed in the op- 2 The Caudal Midbrain: Inferior Collicular Level tic tectum of nonmammalian vertebrates. From level superior to the isthmus of the pons is character- the outer aspect inward are the stratum zonale, the ized by the presence of: (1) the inferior colliculi, stratum cinereum, the stratum opticum, and the stra- which present as ovoid eminences more prominent tum lemnisci, consisting of four layers. The retin- matter and close to the midline are the nuclei of the otectal fibers contained in the optic tracts project to trochlear nerves, bordered anteriorly by the fibers of the superior colliculus via its brachium conjuncti- the medial longitudinal fasciculi whose dorsal sur- vum before they terminate in the lateral geniculate faces are somehow invaginated by these nuclei; (3) body. The corticotectal projections, al border is occupied by fibers of the medial lemnis- The Brainstem and Cerebellum 231 cus; (4) the inferior portion of the substantia nigra, substantia nigra, containing the red nuclei, the mes- separatings the central tegmental area from the mas- encephalic reticular formation and the oculomotor sive white fiber tracts constituting the crus cerebri. The inferior colliculus is surrounded by a laminar zone of myelinated nerve fibers, most of a The Red Nucleus: Morphology and Functional Anatomy which correspond to the lateral lemniscus and end in Situated dorsomedially to the substantia nigra, the the central nucleus. The nuclear and neuronal orga- red nucleus is an ovoid mass of gray matter present- nization of the inferior colliculi have been described ing an elliptical shape, as shown on the parasagittal extensively (Rockel and Jones 1973; Meininger and cuts (Figs. This nucleus extends from the subthalam- ditory relay nucleus to which auditory impulses are ic region to the decussation of the superior cerebel- transmitted via the lateral lemniscus, its chief affer- lar peduncle and measures around 5 mm in diameter. Auditory information is further pro- The red nucleus is very richly vascularized and con- jected to the medial geniculate body and then to the tains iron in many of its pigmented cells. Most cells of the inferior versed in its upper part by fibers of the fasciculus colliculus respond to bineural stimulation and may retroflexus, well shown medially on the axial cut. The caudal and lateral aspects are traversed by fibers of inferior collicular nuclei show a definite tonotopic the superior cerebellar peduncle. The corticorubral projections originate from the precentral and the premotor cortex and project so- matotopically onto the red nucleus. Fibers originating from the deep cerebel- longitudinal fasciculus; 6, central tegmental tract; 7, medial lar nuclei decussate in the caudal midbrain before lemniscus; 8, spinothalamic tracts; 9, lateral lemniscus; 10, decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium traversing and surrounding the contralateral red conjunctivum); 11, midbrain reticular formation; 12, interpe- nucleus. Those originating in the dentate nucleus duncular nucleus; 13, substantia nigra; 14, cerebral peduncle; terminate in the rostral third of the contralateral red 15, frontopontine tract; 16, pyramidal tract; 17, nucleus while those from the globose and embo- occipitotemporopontine tract; 18, oculomotor nerve; 19, liform nuclei terminate somatotopically in the cau- brachium pontis; 20, interpeduncular cistern; 21, basilar ar- tery; 22, posterior cerebral artery; 23, lateromesencephalic dal two thirds. Cells of the caudal portion give rise to cistern; 24, ambient cistern the crossed rubrospinal tract, which influences flex- or motor tone.

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Kayor, 29 years: Alcohol causes sedation, relief of anxiety and, at higher concentrations, slurred speech, ataxia, impaired judgment, and disinhibited behavior, a condition usually called intoxication or drunkenness (Table 23–1). It is excreted primarily by the kidneys, so in renal impairment, the dose should be reduced or the dosing intervals increased. Normally the potassium loss from the body through renal and faecal excretion and from loss in sweat is miminal. Drugs That Block Both Serotonin and Norepinephrine Transporters A large number of antidepressants have mixed inhibitory effects on both serotonin and norepinephrine transporters.

Vasco, 43 years: This drug and its analogs are very important in the prevention of3 nausea and vomiting associated with surgery and cancer chemotherapy. This can be reduced actions of levodopa, the dose of which can be reduced by up to one­ by the peripherally acting dopamine antagonist domperidone. Although the clinical use of carbonic anhydrase livery of Na and enhanced flow through distal convo- inhibitors has greatly diminished since the 1960s, when luted tubules and collecting ducts. In- oin finds use in cardiac arrhythmias, trigeminal neuralgia somnia may respond to lamotrigine taken once daily in and myotonic dystrophy (an inherited disorder in which the morning.

Killian, 22 years: For example, treatment of febrile episodes in neutropenic cancer patients with empiric antimicrobial therapy has been demonstrated to have impressive morbidity and mortality benefits even though the specific bacterial agent responsible for fever is determined for only a minority of such episodes. However, varying the glomerular fltration receptors mediate diverse functions, including neu- rate and plasma binding of the drugs may affect this rotransmission, cardiac conduction, and muscle process. A conflict of interest occurs when an individ- impression that the physician is under undue influ- ual’s personal interests conflict with official respon- ence of the pharmaceutical company and thereby sibilities, such as those required by one’s profession. These compounds (sodium are employed for the prophylaxis of salts) are, therefore, used only for rendering thromboses.

Marik, 35 years: In B, only the upper part of 7 Great cardiac vein 20 Right inferior pulmonary vein another heart is shown, with a marker in the transverse 8 Inferior vena cava 21 Right superior pulmonary vein sinus, the space behind the aorta (3) and pulmonary 9 Left inferior pulmonary vein 22 Right ventricle 10 Left superior pulmonary vein 23 Serous pericardium overlying trunk (17). This mesentery is exceptional in that the layers of the which passes from the hilum of the spleen to the greater curvature of the coronary ligament are widely separated so that the liver has a bare area stomach (Fig. The interval during which the myocyte cannot be which this occurs may be calculated using the Nernst stimulated is the absolute refractory period. Food intake and physical activity (in- mayoccurattheinjection siteandatrophyof creasedglucoseuptakeintomusculature,de- adipose tissue; lipodystrophy).

Malir, 34 years: Once the desired steady-state lithium concen- tration has been achieved, lithium concentrations should be rechecked every 1–2 weeks for approximately 2 months or until concentrations have stabilized. A quinidine sulfate maintenance dose of 100 mg every 6 hours (400 mg/d) is sug- gested for a patient with liver disease requiring a quinidine steady-state serum concentra- tion in the lower end of the therapeutic range. Here it gives Subcutaneous surface of tibia origin totwo cutaneous branches, which descend in the leg: • the sural communicating nerve, which joins the sural branch of the tibial nerve and contributes to innervation of skin over the lower posterolateral side of Anterior surface the leg; and of fibula Tibialis • the lateral sural cutaneous nerve, which innervates anterior Origin of skin over the upper lateral leg. There is evidence that the lethal dose range is not altered significantly by the long-term use of sedative-hypnotics.

Carlos, 48 years: Dose reduction is required in patients with moderate to severe renal (and possibly severe hepatic) insufficiency. Apomorphine is a potent dopamine agonist but is discussed separately in a later section in this chapter because it is used primarily as a rescue drug for patients with disabling response fluctuations to levodopa. Chronic consumptionmay increaserisk ofliver damagefromhalothane and enflurane Tricyclic amitriptyline Acute and chronic ingestion can increase availability and worse antidepressants sedation and side effects In 1990 there were 3 million smoking-related deaths per inhale (and have a high rate of death from tar-induced lung year, projected to reach 10 million by 2030. It is safe and common to give large infusion will result in the fastest and highest peak blood doses greater than the minimal required doses even insulin concentration.

Nemrok, 27 years: Screening for disease complications in asymptomatic relatives at risk of a genetic disorder may also be appropriate, for example, 24-hour urine catecholamine estimation and abdominal scans Figure 2. The relaxation The effect of two concentrations of N2O on the alveolar is not adequate when muscle paralysis is a requirement tension of anesthetic with time. Bladder tumors may spread through the bladder wall and invade local structures, including the rectum, uterus (in women), and lateral walls of the pelvic cavity. Some acute and gravis occur in association with a carcinoma; in 60% of severe cases respond poorly to prednisolone patients this is a small-cell lung cancer.

Olivier, 59 years: Primary Hypogonadism Estrogens have been used extensively for replacement therapy in estrogen-deficient patients. From Ludwig and Klingler 1956, Tables 1–4) Brain Cortical Mantle and White Matter Core 99 A B C D E F G H 100 Chapter 3 Fig. Pharmacokinetics and safety of tobramycin after once-daily administration in patients with cystic fibrosis. Pregnant women should never receive the patients of childbearing potential must also agree not to drug, and women should not conceive for at least 1 ingest alcohol during treatment and for 2 months fol- month after its discontinuation.

Steve, 23 years: Poorly treated pediatric gastroenteritis, especially in dehydration (see Table 37-1 of this instructor’s guide). Another problem affecting ventilation is airway obstruction induced by the hypnotic effects of benzodiazepines. Also, steady-state peak concentrations are similar if drawn immediately after a 1-hour infusion or 1/ hour after a 1/ -hour infusion, so the dose could be 2 2 administered either way. The effectiveness of activated this process, but the alteration of tubular fluid pH is the im- charcoal may be reduced by co-administration with whole portant determinant.

Myxir, 47 years: Acetylcholine nephrine (1:100,000) can also be used topically to is the neurotransmitter of the peripheral nervous vasoconstrict mucous membranes to control oozing system. The student’s (C) Hypothermia belief in having one cigarette per day may actually (D) Piloerection improve which of the following performance areas? Pharmacodynamics A variety of beneficial effects have been attributed to sucralfate, but the precise mechanism of action is unclear. Levalbuterol versus 2 that he is more like his normal self and doesn’t seem to have much racemic albuterol in the treatment of acute exacerbation of asthma in trouble breathing now.

Derek, 41 years: The terior to this plane in most instances, depending on shape of the chiasm itself varies according to its slice thickness. Since ethanol has low potency, it requires concentrations thousands of times higher than other misused drugs (eg, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines) to produce its intoxicating effects. Finally, the administration of one drug may influ- Adriamycin Methadone ence the rate of biliary excretion of a second coadmin- istered compound. These doses are titrated to normalize the production of cortisol, cortisol precursors, and adrenal androgens.

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