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L. Akrabor, M.A.S., M.D.

Medical Instructor, Weill Cornell Medical College

These novel uncoupling proteins may have a role in the thermogenic action of thyroid hormones reduce cholesterol by food proven 60 pills abana. In addition to regulating the rate of basal energy metabolism high cholesterol foods beef 60 pills abana buy overnight delivery, thyroid hormones influence the rate at which most of the pathways of intermediary metabolism operate in their target cells cholesterol test no fasting order abana master card. When thyroid hormones are deficient, carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism are slowed, and the response of these pathways to other regulatory hormones is decreased. In contrast, these metabolic pathways run at an abnormally high rate when thyroid hormones are present in excess. Thus, thyroid hormones can be viewed as amplifiers of cellular metabolic activity. The amplifying effect of thyroid hormones on intermediary metabolism is mediated through the transcription of gene-encoding enzymes involved in these metabolic pathways. Thyroid hormones provide negative feedback to control the hypothalamic–pituitary axis. An important action of the thyroid hormones is the regulation of their own secretion. This action of T on thyrotrophs is thought to be a result of changes in gene expression in these cells. These changes result from dysregulation of nervous system function and altered metabolism. The thyroid gland enlarges to form a diffuse toxic goiter, which synthesizes and secretes thyroid hormones at an accelerated rate, causing thyroid hormones to be chronically elevated in the blood. Feedback inhibition of thyroid hormone production by the thyroid hormones is also lost. Many changes in body function characterize the disease state that develops in response to excessive thyroid hormone secretion, called hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis. People with hyperthyroidism are nervous and emotionally irritable, with a compulsion to constant movement. Vasodilation in the skin and sweating occur as compensatory mechanisms to dissipate excessive body heat. However, despite the increase in food intake, a net degradation of protein and lipid stores occurs, resulting in weight loss. Reducing the rate of thyroid hormone secretion with drugs or removal of the thyroid gland by radioactive ablation or surgery can reverse all of these changes (Clinical Focus 32. As a result, antibodies to these proteins are generated, which then alter thyroid function. Two common autoimmune diseases with opposite effects on thyroid function are Hashimoto disease and Graves disease. In Hashimoto disease, the thyroid gland is infiltrated by lymphocytes, and elevated levels of antibodies against several components of thyroid tissue (e. A third, fairly common autoimmune disease is postpartum thyroiditis, which usually occurs within 3 to 12 months after delivery. The disease is characterized by a transient destruction-induced thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism), often followed by a period of hypothyroidism lasting several months. Often, only the hypothyroid phase of the disease may be observed, occurring in more than 30% of women with antibodies to thyroid peroxidase detectable before conception. The postpartum occurrence of the disorder is likely a result of increased immune system function following the suppression of its activity during pregnancy. Patients who have experienced one episode of postpartum thyroiditis should also be considered at risk for recurrence after pregnancy. If symptoms during the period of transient thyrotoxicosis are severe, a β-blocker such as propranolol can be given. Thioamides-drugs that inhibit the oxidation and organic binding of thyroid iodide-are generally not effective for this transient thyrotoxicosis because the release of excess thyroid hormone is not a result of hormone synthesis but rather of destruction of the gland. Thyroid hormone replacement is required to treat the hypothyroidism that occurs later in the progression of the disease. For example, iodide deficiency may result in a reduction in thyroid hormone production. Autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto disease, also known as Hashimoto thyroiditis, impair thyroid hormone synthesis. Obviously, radioiodine ablation or surgical removal of the thyroid gland also causes thyroid hormone deficiency.

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These abnormal sensations persist and over the next 2 weeks migrate from the toes up to the level of the ankles cholesterol job order abana online. At his next follow-up appointment with the oncologist blood cholesterol chart uk 60 pills abana order otc, the previously enlarged lymph nodes have returned to normal size low cholesterol foods eat cheap abana 60 pills on-line. Examination of the neurological function of his feet and legs shows that he cannot feel the touch of a ball of cotton or a vibrating tuning fork on his toes. The oncologist tells him that the foot symptoms are due to “transportation troubles in the nerves” from the chemotherapy, and that the symptoms will get better over the next few months. Which of the chemotherapy medications is the most likely cause of the abnormal sensations? Vincristine (Oncovin) is the medication in the combination of chemotherapy drugs that causes the nerve dysfunction. This medication is in the vinca alkaloids, which are named for the family of plants they are derived from. This group of disorders can be caused by abnormal function of the nerve cell body, the axon, or the myelin sheath. Abnormalities of axon function are the most common cause of peripheral neuropathy. In this type of nerve disease, the longest axons show the effects of the abnormal function first; therefore, the abnormalities appear first in the toes and distal feet. If the condition worsens, the abnormal sensations spread from the toes to the mid-foot and potentially up to the ankle or mid-shin. Neuropathies like our patient’s are said to be “length dependent,” because the longest axons show the abnormalities first. Vincristine (Oncovin) impairs transport along the axons by interfering with the assembly of tubulin into microtubules. Microtubules provide the framework for fast axoplasmic transport from the nucleus to the nerve terminal and also for retrograde transport from the nerve terminal back to the nucleus. The nerve dysfunction effects of the vincristine (Oncovin) are cumulative and usually begin only after several cycles of treatment. If the medication is able to be discontinued, nerve function tends to improve over subsequent months as axoplasmic transport is restored and the axons become able to maintain their structure normally. Explain why sensory receptors have specificity to sense one type of environmental energy over another. Explain why sensory receptors that respond to a selective type of environmental energy can respond to a different type, yet the sensation produced is the same as if the receptor responded to the energy for which it was designed to detect. Postulate the value of adaptation of sensory receptors in relation to the selective type of sensation the receptor is designed to detect. Explain why action potential frequency is the mode of information transmission in sensory systems and how changes in that frequency are related to graded electrical potential changes in sensory receptors. Explain how the processes of adaptation and accommodation permit the processing of a wide-range of stimulus intensities. Distinguish between rod and cone vision and point out the special features of each type. Describe the organization of the retina, relating each layer to its specific and integrated function in the process of vision. Explain, in terms of biochemical events, the process of light and dark adaptation in the retina. Describe the processing of sound by different parts of the auditory system, the mechanism of auditory transduction and how the frequency of sound is represented along the basilar membrane. Explain the roles of the different components of the vestibular system in detecting rotational and linear acceleration. Explain the sensory processes in the related senses of smell and taste and the receptors and mechanisms that underlie chemoreception. Information about our external and internal environments is gathered by the sensory branch of the nervous system. This chapter discusses the functions of the sensory receptors, the organs that permit us to gather this information. The discussion emphasizes somatic sensations, that is, those dealing with the external aspect of the body. This chapter does not specifically address the visceral sensations that come from internal organs.

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T and T3 4 increase cholesterol lowering foods south africa purchase abana us, but estrogen also increases thyroxine-binding globulin synthesis; thus cholesterol values wiki order abana 60 pills, the pregnant woman remains euthyroid cholesterol levels myth 60 pills abana order with visa. Plasma-free cortisol is higher because it is displaced from the cortisol-binding globulin transcortin by the high levels of progesterone, but hypercortisolism does not develop. Maternal metabolism also responds to the increasing nutritional demands of the fetus. The major net weight gain of the mother occurs during the first half of gestation, resulting primarily from effects of progesterone to increase appetite and divert glucose into fat synthesis and storage. When the metabolic requirements of the fetus peak later in pregnancy, and also during periods of starvation, the extra fat stores are used as an energy source. As a result, maternal glucose usage declines and gluconeogenesis increases, maximizing glucose availability for the fetus. The protective intrauterine environment postpones the initiation of some physiologic functions that are essential for life after birth. For example, the fetal lungs and kidneys do not act as organs of gas exchange and excretion because the placenta carries out these functions. Constant isothermal surroundings alleviate the need to expend calories to maintain body temperature. The gastrointestinal tract does not carry out digestion, and fetal bones and muscles do not support weight or locomotion. Exposure to limited levels of external stimuli results in the slow development of the fetal nervous and immune systems. In contrast, the fetal endocrine system plays a vital role in fetal growth, development, and homeostasis. The blood–placental barrier excludes most protein and polypeptide hormones from the fetus; thus, the maternal endocrine system has limited direct effects on the fetus. Rather, the fetus is fairly self-sufficient in its hormonal requirements, with the exception of the steroid hormones produced by the fetoplacental unit, which cross easily between the different compartments to carry out integrated functions in both the fetus and the mother. In general, fetal hormones perform the same functions for the fetus as in the adult, but they also subserve unique processes such as sexual differentiation and the initiation of labor. The anterior pituitary, which forms from the Rathke pouch (an ectodermal evagination of the roof of the fetal mouth) beginning at gestation week 4, is present by gestation week 8, and most anterior pituitary hormones can be identified. Overall, the hypothalamic–pituitary axis is functional by 12 to 17 weeks of gestation, although the maturation of the portal vascular system continues until 30 to 35 weeks’ gestation. The release of pituitary hormones occurs prior to the full maturation of the portal system, suggesting that the hypothalamic-releasing hormones diffuse down to the pituitary from hypothalamic sites of synthesis. Adrenal gland production of steroidogenic precursors The fetal adrenal glands are present as distinct organs by 8 weeks’ gestation and are composed of three functional zones. The outer definitive zone synthesizes glucocorticoids and mineral corticoids, with the transitional zone producing cortisol. The fetal adrenal glands grow rapidly during gestation and at birth are 10- to 20-fold larger than adult adrenals. Postnatally, the adrenal gland undergoes rapid involution due to regression of the inner fetal zone, which is absent by 6 months of age. The adrenal medulla develops by about week 10 and is capable of producing epinephrine and norepinephrine. Cortisol has multiple functions in the fetus such as stimulating pancreas and lung maturation, inducing expression of liver enzymes, and promoting intestinal tract cytodifferentiation. The placenta has a specialized calcium pump that transfers calcium to the fetus, resulting in sustained increases in calcium and phosphate throughout pregnancy. At the end of gestation, calcium and phosphate levels in the fetus are higher than those in the mother. The rate of fetal growth increases significantly during the last trimester and includes significant adipose tissue deposition. Absence of these hormones or their receptors results in significant growth retardation with small placentas. Insulin is produced by the fetal pancreas by week 10 of gestation at a relatively constant rate, increasing only slightly in response to a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. Glucose is the main metabolic fuel for the fetus, but insulin is not needed for fetal tissue glucose uptake as a relatively constant glucose supply is provided by the mother. However, near-term fetal insulin can increase glucose uptake and lipolysis in fetal tissues.

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Because myocardial oxygen extraction cannot increase significantly from its high resting value results of cholesterol test 60 pills abana, increases in myocardial oxgen consumption must be accompa­ nied by appropriate increases in coronar blood fow cholesterol medication bruising abana 60 pills without a prescription. The issue of which metabolic vasodilator factors play the dominant role in modulating the tone of coronary arterioles is unresolved at present crestor cholesterol medication side effects effective 60 pills abana. Many suspect that adenosine, released from myocardial muscle cells in response to increased metabolic rate, may be an important local coronary metabolic vaso­ dilator infuence. Regardless of the specific details, myocardial oxgen consump­ tion is the most important infuence on coronar blood fow. Large frces and/or pressures are generated within the myocardial tissue during cardiac musce contraction. Such intramyocardial forces press on the outside of coronary vessels and cause them to collapse during systole. Because of this sstolic compression and the associated collapse of coronary vessels, coro­ nary vascular resistance is greatly increased during systole. The result, at least for much of the left ventricular myocardium, is that coronary fow is lower during systole than during diastole, even though systemic arterial pressure (ie, coronary perfusion pressure) is highest during systole. Systolic com­ pression has much less efect on fow through the right ventricular myocar­ dium, as is evident from the right coronary artery fow trace in Figure 7-6. This is because the peak systolic intraventricular pressure is much lower for the right heart than for the left heart, and the systolic compressional forces in the right ventricular wall are correspondingly less than those in the left ventricular wall. Phasic flows in the left and right coronary arteries in relation to aortic and left ventricular pressures. Systolic compressional frces on coronar vessel are greater in the endocardial (nside)lyers ofthe le ventrculr wal than in the epicardiallyers. Normally, the endocar­ dial region of the myocardium can make up for the lack of fow during systole by a high fow in the diastolic interval. However, when coronary blood fow is limited-for example, by coronary disease and stenosis-the endocardial lay­ ers of the left ventricle are often the first regions of the heart to have difculty maintaining a fow sufcient for their metabolic needs. Myocardial infrcts (areas of tissue killed by lack of blood fow) occur most frequently in the endo­ cardial layers of the left ventricle. Coronar arterioles are densel innervated with sympathetic vasoconstrictor fbers, yet when the actvit ofthe sympathetic nervou s system increases, the coro­ nar arteroles normall vasodilate rather than vasoconstict. This is because an increase in sympathetic tone increases myocardial oxygen consumption by increasing the heart rate and contractility. The increased local metabolic 4 Consider that the endocardial surface of the left ventricle is exposed to intraventricular pressure (=120 mmHg during systole), whereas the epicardial surface is exposed only to intrathoracic pressure (=OmmHg). It has been experimentally demon­ strated that a given increase in cardiac sympathetic nerve activity causes a greater increase in coronary blood flow after the direct vasoconstrictor influ­ ence of sympathetic nerves on coronary vessels has been eliminated with a-receptor-blocking agents. However, sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves do not appear to influence coronary flow enough to afect the mechanical perfor­ mance of normal hearts. Whether these coronary vasoconstrictor fbers might be functionally important in certain pathological situations is still an open question. Because ofthe large mas ofthe skeletal muscle, blood fow through it is an impor­ tant fetor in overal cardiovasculr hemodynamics. Collectively, the skeletal muscles constitute 40% to 45% of body weight-more than any other single body organ. Even at rest, approximately 15% of the cardiac output goes to skeletal muscle, and during strenuous exercise, the skeletal muscle may receive more than 80% of the cardiac output. Because of this high tone of the smooth muscle in resistance vessels of resting skeletal muscles, the blood flow per gram of tissue is quite low when compared with that of other organs such as the kidneys. However, resting skeletal muscle blood flow is still substantially above that required to sustain its metabolic needs. Resting skeletal muscles normally extract only 25% to 30% of the oxygen delivered to them in arterial blood. Thus, changes in the activity of sympathetic vaso­ constrictor fibers can reduce resting muscle blood fow without compromising resting tissue metabolic processes. A particularly Important char­ acteristic of skeletal muscle is its very wide range of metabolic rates. During heavy exercise, the oxygen consumption rate of and oxygen extraction by skeletal muscle tissue can reach the high values typical of the myocardium. In most respects, the factors that control blood flow to exercising muscle are similar to those that control coronary blood flow. Local metabolic control of arteriolar tone is very strong in exercising skeletal muscle, and muscle oxygen consumption is the most important determinant of its blood flow.

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Thyroxine conversion to triiodothyronine As noted earlier cholesterol lowering diet south africa discount abana generic, This the major secretory product of the thyroid gland and is the predominant thyroid4 hormone in the blood cholesterol mg/dl cheap 60 pills abana with mastercard. About 40% of the T secreted by the thyroid gland is converted to T by enzymatic4 3 removal of the iodine atom at position 5′ of the thyronine ring structure in a reaction termed outer-ring deiodination (Fig cholesterol test leeds buy generic abana online. Deiodinase type 1 (D1) located in the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland catalyzes this reaction. D2 is believed to function primarily to maintain intracellular T in target3 tissues, but it may also contribute to the generation of circulating T. A third 3 deiodinase (type 3 or D3) catalyzes inner-ring deiodination reactions during degradation of thyroid hormones as discussed below. This rare amino acid has properties that make it ideal for catalysis of oxidoreductive reactions. Deiodinase type 1 (D1) deiodinates thyroxine (T ) at the 5′4 position to form triiodothyronine (T ), the physiologically active thyroid hormone. Deiodinase type 33 (D3) also enzymatically deiodinates some T at the 5′ position to form the inactive metabolite, reverse T. A3 3 small amount of This also decarboxylated and deaminated to form the metabolite, tetraiodoacetic acid4 (tetrac), which may then be deiodinated before being excreted. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine inactivation Whereas the 5′-deiodination of T to produce T can be viewed as a metabolic activation process, both T4 3 4 and T undergo enzymatic deiodinations, particularly in the liver and kidneys, which inactivate them (see3 Fig. About 40% of the T secreted by the human thyroid gland is deiodinated at the fifth position on4 the thyronine ring structure by D3 to produce reverse T3 (rT3), which has little or no thyroid hormone activity. This deiodination reaction is the major pathway for T metabolic inactivation and disposal. T4 3 and rT also undergo deiodination to yield 3,3′-diiodothyronine, which may be further deiodinated before3 being excreted. Both physiologic and pathologic factors influence the 5′-deiodination reaction, changing the relative amounts of T and rT produced from T. For example, a human fetus produces less T from T than does3 3 4 3 4 a child or adult because the 5′-deiodination reaction is less active in the fetus. During fasting, 5′- deiodination is inhibited, particularly in response to carbohydrate restriction, but it is restored to normal when the person is fed again. Trauma and acute and chronic illnesses also suppress the 5′-deiodination reaction. Under all of these circumstances, the amount of T produced from This reduced and its blood3 4 concentration falls. The amount of rT rises in the circulation, not because its conversion from T is3 4 increased, as originally believed, but rather because its clearance from the blood is reduced. Note that during fasting or in the disease states mentioned above, the secretion of This usually not4 increased, despite the decrease of T in the circulation. Thyroxine glucuronidation, decarboxylation, and deamination T and to a lesser extent T are catabolized by conjugation with glucuronic acid in the liver. The4 3 conjugated hormones are secreted into the bile and eliminated in the feces. Many tissues also catabolize thyroid hormones by modifying the three-carbon side chain of the iodothyronine structure via decarboxylation and deamination. The derivatives formed from T, such as 4 tetraiodoacetic acid (tetrac), may also undergo deiodination before being excreted (see Fig. If the diet is severely deficient in4 3 iodide, as in some parts of the world, the amount of iodide available to the thyroid gland limits T and T4 3 synthesis. Enlargement of the thyroid gland increases its capacity to accumulate iodide from the blood and to synthesize T and T. However, the degree to which the4 3 enlarged gland can produce thyroid hormones to compensate for their deficiency in the blood depends on the severity of the deficiency of iodide in the diet. To prevent iodide deficiency and consequent goiter formation, iodide is added to table salt (iodized salt) in most developed countries. The sensitivity or responsiveness of a particular cell to thyroid hormones correlates to some degree with the number of receptors for these hormones. In the adult, however, brain cells show little responsiveness to the metabolic regulatory action of thyroid hormones, although they have numerous receptors for these hormones. Once inside the cell, This deiodinated to T, which enters the nucleus of the cell and4 3 binds to its receptor in the chromatin.

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