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The normal response to ventricular pacing is a gradual prolongation of V-A conduction as the ventricular-paced cycle length is decreased bph causes erectile dysfunction super viagra 160 mg purchase overnight delivery. Retrograde (V-A) Wenckebach-type block and higher degrees of V-A block appear at shorter cycle lengths (Fig erectile dysfunction symptoms causes and treatments purchase super viagra visa. Although Wenckebach-type block usually signifies retrograde delay in the A-V node erectile dysfunction what kind of doctor purchase 160 mg super viagra visa, it is only when a retrograde His deflection is present that retrograde V-A Wenckebach and higher degrees of block can be documented to be localized to the A-V node (Fig. This extra beat is termed a ventricular echo and is not infrequent during retrograde Wenckebach cycles. Ventricular echoes of this type are due to reentry secondary to a longitudinally dissociated A-V node and require a critical degree of V-A conduction delay for their appearance. Patients with a dual A-V nodal pathway manifesting this type of retrograde Wenckebach and reentry are generally not prone to develop clinical supraventricular tachycardia that is due to A-V nodal reentry (see Chapter 8). Because a retrograde His bundle deflection may not always be observed in patients during ventricular pacing, in the presence of V-A block, localization of the site of block in such patients must be inferred from the effects of the ventricular-paced beat on conduction of spontaneous or P. Thus, one localizes the site of delay by analyzing the level of concealed retrograde conduction. If the A-H interval of the spontaneous or induced atrial depolarization is independent of the time relationship of ventricular-paced beats, then by inference, the site of retrograde block is infranodal in the His–Purkinje system. On the other hand, variations in the A-H intervals that depend on the coupling interval of the atrial complex to the ventricular-paced beat, or failure of the atrial impulse to depolarize the His bundle, suggest retrograde penetration and block within the A-V node (Fig. Another method of evaluating the site of retrograde block in the absence of a recorded retrograde His potential is to note the effects of drugs, such as atropine or isoproterenol, which affect only A-V nodal conduction, on V-A conduction. Improvement of conduction following administration of these drugs suggests that the site of block is in the A-V node. On the bottom, ventricular pacing at the same cycle length is associated with the V-H interval of 70 msec. B: During sinus rhythm at a cycle length of 550 msec, the right bundle branch block is present with an H-V interval of 80 msec. The presence of a retrograde His deflection allowed the site of block to be localized to the A-V node. After the third paced ventricular complex, pacing is terminated (open arrow) and a return beat appears that has the same configuration as the subsequent sinus beat. In contrast to the development of the V-A Wenckebach, if one can record a retrograde His deflection, it is possible to demonstrate that V-H conduction remains relatively intact at rapid rates despite the development of retrograde block within the A-V node (Fig. Refractory Periods The refractoriness of a cardiac tissue can be defined by the response of that tissue to the introduction of premature stimuli. In clinical electrophysiology, refractoriness is generally expressed in terms of three measurements: relative, effective, and functional. The definitions differ slightly from comparable terms used in cellular electrophysiology. Despite the presence of a visible retrograde His deflection the site of block is shown to be the A-V node because antegrade A-V nodal conduction (A-H) depends on the relationship of the sinus beats A to the ventricular complexes. In humans, refractory periods are analyzed by the extrastimulus technique, whereby a single atrial or ventricular extrastimulus is introduced at progressively shorter coupling intervals until a response is no longer elicited. Determining refractoriness at shorter cycle lengths may be useful to assess refractoriness in the heart at rates comparable to those during spontaneous tachycardias. The extrastimulus is delivered after a train of 8 to 10 paced complexes to allow time for reasonable (≥95%) stabilization of refractoriness, which is usually accomplished after the first three or four paced beats. The specific effects of preceding cycle lengths on refractoriness will be discussed later. In most electrophysiologic laboratories, stimulus strength has been arbitrarily standardized as being delivered at twice-diastolic threshold. Some standardization of stimulus strength is necessary if one wishes to compare atrial and/or ventricular refractoriness before and after an intervention. Although use of current at twice-diastolic threshold gives reproducible and clinically relevant information, and has a low incidence of nonclinical arrhythmia induction, the use of higher currents has been suggested. An example of a strength–interval curve to determine ventricular refractoriness is shown in Figure 2-29. Note there is a gradual shortening of measured ventricular refractoriness as the current is increased until the point is reached where the refractory period stays relatively constant despite increasing current strengths. The determination of such curves, however, may be quite useful in characterizing the effects of antiarrhythmic agents on ventricular excitability and refractoriness. The safety of using high current strengths, particularly when multiple extrastimuli are delivered, is questionable because fibrillation is more likely to occur when multiple extrastimuli are delivered at high current strengths.

Typically the endocardial voltage abnormalities observed in such patients are limited to the perimitral valve area impotence vacuum treatment purchase cheap super viagra on line. The electroanatomic map is shown in posterior–anterior projection; the voltage scale is color coded so that normal tissue is displayed in purple (bipolar electrograms ≥1 erectile dysfunction from a young age cheap super viagra 160 mg free shipping. This has led to interest in detecting abnormalities deeper than the subendocardium erectile dysfunction psychological treatment discount 160 mg super viagra with visa. Unipolar mapping has gained popularity in defining intramural and/or subepicardial scar. As noted above electrogram abnormalities, either unipolar or bipolar, reflect propagation and not necessarily tissue mass. As such I consider electrogram abnormalities to reflect conduction abnormalities, which may be caused by functional or anatomic abnormalities. I have found a high incidence of false negatives in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Fig. Moreover, while the “intramural/subepicardial scar depicted by unipolar mapping in these highly selected patients appear to correlate with bipolar epicardial mapping, the interpretation that this represents “microfibrosis” is not proven. Patients with dilated cardiomyopathy typically have patchy fibrosis, and large unipolar voltage in the precordial P. The signature of micro- or macrofibrosis is nonuniform anisotropic conduction, not decreased voltage. We still require methods to detect inapparent conduction abnormalities cause by microfibrosis. An analogous electroanatomic mapping study was performed to investigate the electrophysiologic substrate of right P. Unipolar mapping has 82 identified large epicardial abnormalities in this population, the pathology of which has been known to have early 81 epicardial involvement. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, both with and without obstruction, is associated with a high incidence of sudden cardiac death. As noted above, I have not found endocardial unipolar mapping to be of value in this population. Further work is necessary to characterize the sites and mechanism of conduction abnormalities in patients with all forms of cardiomyopathy. Patterns of voltage mapping abnormalities were typically related to perivalular areas: near the tricuspid valve (pattern 1), the pulmonic valve (pattern 2) or both (pattern 3). Electroanatomic substrate and outcome of catheter ablative therapy for ventricular tachycardia in the setting of right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Both the number of sites and duration of this fragmented activity 92 influence the ability to record a late potential using signal averaging. In coronary artery disease and prior 93 94 infarction, 88% of signals recorded during the late potential are from the endocardium (Fig. These findings are 92 93 directly related to the abnormal electrograms noted on the endocardium during sinus rhythm mapping. Note the symmetric configuration of the filtered complex, which is 100 msec in duration. These findings form the basis for the use of programmed stimulation to determine the risk of sudden cardiac arrest postmyocardial infarction. These data suggest that the substrate of slow conduction in patients with cardiomyopathy resides in the midmyocardium or epicardium. Sites 43 and 53 are epicardial sites The bar represents duration of the electrogram. Note that the low-amplitude late potential (arrow) is associated with late endocardial activity from four sites and late epicardial activity from one site. Relation between late potentials on the body surface and directly recorded fragmented electrograms in patients with ventricular tachycardia. Differences in excitability, refractoriness, and dispersion of refractoriness are other potential arrhythmogenic abnormalities.


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In contrast erectile dysfunction recreational drugs generic 160 mg super viagra, a more recent questionnaire review of Dutch gynecologists reported that the complication rate in those undergoing open laparoscopy was significantly higher compared to those undergoing closed laparoscopy erectile dysfunction treatment in tampa super viagra 160 mg buy amex. While the rate of vascular injuries was the same in both groups erectile dysfunction doctor dublin super viagra 160 mg buy on line, the rates of gastrointestinal, wound infections, and failed access were significantly greater in the open group. The rate of open laparoscopy among Dutch gynecologists was only 2% and was reserved for those with previous laparotomy, those with suspected adhesions, and the very obese or thin. An alternative message is that gynecologists should not perform procedures that they perform 1510 rarely in patients at high risk of complications. In our own tertiary referral urogynecology practice, the open technique is used exclusively. In a recent Cochrane review comparing open and closed access for laparoscopic entry, 17 trials evaluated 3040 individuals. Overall, there was no advantage in using any single technique in preventing major complications. Extraperitoneal insufflations and failed entry were both less frequent in the open technique compared to the closed approach [16]. It has been demonstrated that 50% of women with previous midline vertical incisions and 20% with low transverse incisions have some degree of periumbilical adhesions [17]. When there is concern regarding the safety of blindly introducing the insufflating needle at the umbilicus, an alternative site of placement is the left upper quadrant 3 cm below the costal margin in the midclavicular line (Palmer’s point, Figure 102. In retrospective audits, no significant complications have been reported with this approach [18,19]. Trocar-Associated Complications In an attempt to minimize the risk associated with accessing the abdominal cavity, increased attention has been focused on trocar design. The cutting blade retracts into the plastic sleeve after the abdominal wall has been penetrated. The incidence of major vascular injuries from trocars and Veress needle averages around 0. They concluded that despite the blade retracting soon after entry into the peritoneum, the momentary presence of the blade in the abdominal cavity as seen in Figure 102. They dilate the fascia and muscular tissues, thus decreasing the potential trauma as it enters the abdominal cavity. Conical tips require a greater entry force to the abdomen than sharper pyramidal [24] and leave a defect approximately 50% narrower than the sharper pyramidal [25]. Leibl, in a nonrandomized study, demonstrated that the reduced wound defect following the use of conical trocars was clinically relevant, with incisional hernia being reported 10 times more frequently after the pyramidal as compared to the conical trocar [26]. In a further study, there were no reported injuries to blood vessels of the anterior abdominal wall in the conical group as compared to 0. Munro and Tarnay [29] recently demonstrated that the fascial and muscular defect from a 12 mm blunt trocar resulted in a similar fascial defect to the 8 mm pyramidal trocar and suggested that the fascial defects from 12 mm blunt trocars do not need closing, a view supported by others [27,30]. Optical access trocars are designed to decrease the injury to vessels and viscera by allowing the surgeon to identify each layer of the abdominal wall and avoiding inadvertent injuries during entry due to a lack of vision. In a single randomized comparison, direct optical was quicker to perform than both the open [31] and closed [32] approaches without any difference in bleeding or vascular or bowel injuries. While the superiority of optical access approach compared to alternative entry techniques has been demonstrated, further validation of these outcomes outside of the single research group is required. An important advantage of laparoscopy over laparotomy is the lower rate of wound complications and hernias. In one study, the incidence of wound infection after open colposuspension was 11% as compared to 1% after the laparoscopic approach [34]. Magrina has estimated that the incidence of trocar hernias after laparoscopic gynecology surgery was 10–100 times lower than laparotomy [35]. The incidence of incisional hernia increases to 3% with the use of 12 mm trocars [36]. It is largely accepted that while 5 mm trocars do not require fascial closure, when bladed trocars 10 mm or greater are utilized, the defects should be closed to minimize the risk of bowel entrapment or incisional hernia. The bowel was able to be reduced with traction from bowel forceps with the bowel mucosa being viable. Following this complication, we utilize a trocar site closure device for all 10 mm trocars. Preliminary studies have demonstrated that the blunt trocars will significantly reduce the incidence of trocar site hernia [26], and many believe they do not need to be closed [29,30]. Secondary Trocars 1513 Secondary trocars are required for operative pelvic floor surgery.

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Goose, 36 years: Effect of isoproterenol on the anterograde refractory period of the accessory pathway in patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

Emet, 45 years: A review of the current status of laparoscopic and robot-assisted sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse.

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