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Thoracic (50%), cervical (20%), trigeminal (15%) Complications: If shingles around eye (especially end of nose), then are likely to have a dendritic ulcer on cornea. Stain with Fluorescein and shine on blue light, corneal abrasions will shine green. Also kitten faeces (eg cyst in garden pregnant gardeners should wear gloves) Presentation: Immunocompetent: Lymphadenopathy (eg unilateral) Maybe: fever, myalgia, acute pharyngitis, hepatosplenomegaly, atypical mononucleosis Usually self-limiting may take months to settle If persistent/recurrent lymphadenopathy ? If you dont, they will relapse Relapse common (20%) maybe several months later. Serum antibody test Treatment: Intestinal amoebiasis: metronidazole then diloxanide furoate Extra-intestinal: metronidazole (surgical drainage may be necessary) Asymptomatic: Diloxanide furoate Giardiasis Diagnosis: Stool examination for Giardia Lamblia cysts, 3 samples 48 hours apart Duodenal aspirate and direct examination for trophozoites Treatment: Tinidazole 2g stat or Metronidazole 400 mg 8 hourly for 7 days Test for cure with repeat stool sample. Dogs infected from eating raw sheep offal (ie liver) containing hydatid cysts Clinical: Often acquired in childhood, present in older age with solitary cysts (liver, lung, brain) Treatment: surgical drainage + aldendazole as adjunct Diagnosis: Serology: haemaglutination test + complement fixation test Cryptosporidium Common protozoan parasite Profuse watery diarrhoea for 48 hours. Relapse in 25% See also Other pneumonias, page 70 Travel Medicine Travel History: Where are you going How are you getting there How long there What will you be doing Where are you staying Have you been there before Examples: 3 week package to Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangkok: Hep A and Tetanus up to date. Risk in main resort areas of Asia is low Typhoid: Injectable: salmonella typhi antigen, 70% protection for 3 years Oral vaccine: attenuated live strain, doses at 0, 3 and 5 days gives protection for one year. Resistant (eg kids): Ceftriaxone Resistant and Meningitis: Cefotaxime + Vancomycin (act synergistically) Resistant and Endocarditis: Vancomycin Strep faecalis Trimethoprim Strep agalactiae Penicillin. Also sensitive to flucloxacillin Strep sanguis Penicillin [ haemolytic] Staph aureus Flucloxacillin. Elderly/immunocompromised: ciprofloxacin (quinolone not in kids) Clostridium difficile Metronidazole Enterococcus faecalis Amoxycillin G ive Bacilli E Coli Trimethoprim. Consider gentamycin or cotrimoxazole Campylobacter Jejuni Erythromycin Infectious Diseases 511 H Influenzae Cefaclor, Augmentin, Tetracycline 5% resistant to penicillin, not sensitive to erythromycin Legionella Erythromycin. Maybe Tobramycin or piperacillin Meningitis: Ceftazidine Gardnerella Vaginalis Metronidazole. Metronidazole is otherwise inactive against aerobes Bordetella Pertussis Erythromycin Branhamella Catarrhalis Augmentin, cefaclor, tetracycline, cefuroxime 70% penicillinase Anaerobes Bacteroides Fragilis Metronidazole. Not penicillin or cephalosporins Helicobacter Pylori Clarithromycin + metronidazole + omeprazole (7 days) Cocci Neisseria Meningitidis Penicillin. Prophylaxis: Rifampicin, ceftriaxone if pregnant Neisseria Gonorrhoea Stat: Amoxycillin + Probenecid Ciprofloxacin or tetracycline if penicillin allergy or resistant. Cellular wall similar to G-ive but not actually a G-ive bacteria Others nd Mycoplasma Erythromycin. Maybe Paromomycin (oral, non-absorbed aminoglycoside) Giardiasis Tinidazole stat or metronidazole 7 days Trichomonas Doxycycline, Metronidazole Pneumocystis Carinii Cotrimoxazole Pneumonia Malaria Prophylaxis Mefloquine weekly: good for chloroquine resistant falciparum. Not epilepsy, pregnant, babies Doxycycline daily: Esp Mefloquine resistant falciparum. Principle use is infectious exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Haemophilus influenzae Increasing E coli resistance Branhamella Catarrhalis Flucloxacillin Staph Aureus Penicillinase producers. If true anaphylaxis seek specialist advice Immune suppression: dont give live vaccine. If Heart failure vasoconstriction to maintain blood flow liver flow elimination (eg lignocaine, propranolol). Total body clearance cant exceed cardiac output (5 l/min) Clearance and Volume of Distribution are independent of each other, but T is dependent on both Maintenance Dose = clearance * desired concentration Compartments: One or multi compartment models Ka = absorption into compartment Ke = elimination from compartment th th 522 4 and 5 Year Notes Linear kinetics First order kinetics: rate of transport or elimination proportional to drug concentration in the compartment Zero order kinetics: elimination has maximum value rate is non-linear and its a capacity limited process. So if dose rate is greater than clearance rate, then a small increase in dose rate leads to a dramatic increase in plasma concentration (ie accumulation) Michaelis-Menten kinetics For a drug that undergoes zero-order elimination, when the concentration is low enough, elimination no longer occurs at its maximum rate (V max) but at a rate dependent on but not proportional to the plasma concentration.

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Effects of acute hypoglyce- mia on inammatory and pro-atherothrombotic biomarkers in individuals with type 1 diabetes and healthy individuals muscle relaxant with ibuprofen order generic robaxin on-line. Diabetes Care 2010 muscle relaxant adverse effects cheap 500 mg robaxin fast delivery;33:1529 Full-text screeningFull-text screening Citations excluded*Citations excluded* 35 muscle relaxant comparison chart robaxin 500 mg generic. Effects of controlled hypoglycaemia N=221 on cardiac repolarisation in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther Full-text reviewedFull-text reviewed Citations excluded*Citations excluded* 2010;12:2836. Relationship between hypoglycemic epi- Studies requiringStudies requiring sodes and ventricular arrhythmias in patients with type 2 diabetes and cardio- new or revised recommendations vascular diseases: Silent hypoglycemias and silent arrhythmias. Can J Diabetes 42 (2018) S109S114 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Canadian Journal of Diabetes journal homepage: www. Potassium is shifted out of Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state should be sus- cells, and ketoacidosis occurs as a result of elevated glucagon levels pected in people who have diabetes and are ill. If either diabetic ketoaci- and insulin deciency (in the case of type 1 diabetes). There may dosis or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state is diagnosed, precipitating factors must be sought and treated. This should presentations, including seizures and a stroke-like state that can include information on: resolve once osmolality returns to normal (3,5,6). With Altered sensorium Precipitating See list of conditions in Table 2 condition Conict of interest statements can be found on page S113. Typi- tes, atypical diabetes or type 1B diabetes, but it may be most useful cally, the arterial pH is 7. It is, therefore, important to hydroxybutyrate monitoring reduces emergency room visits and hos- measure ketones in both the serum and urine. A nicant hyperglycemia, especially if they are ill or highly symp- summary of uid therapy is outlined in Table 3, and a manage- tomatic (see above). Otherwise, venous blood gases osmolality and glucose need to be monitored closely, initially as often are usually adequatethe pH is typically 0. In adults, one should initially administer between 10 to 40 mmol/L, at a maximum rate of 40 mmol/h. However, if plasma osmolality is falling more rapidly than 3 mmol/kg/hour and/or the tonic. The potassium in the infusion will also add to the osmolal- corrected plasma sodium is reduced, maintain intravenous uids at higher ity. Although the use of an initial bolus of intravenous insulin is recommended in some reviews (1), there has been only 1 ran- Phosphate deciency domized controlled trial in adults examining the effectiveness of this step (56). In this study, there were 3 arms: a bolus arm There is currently no evidence to support the use of phosphate (0. Outcomes were identical in the 3 groups, except hypophosphatemia has been associated with rhabdomyolysis in 5 of 12 participants needed extra insulin in the no-bolus/ other states, administration of potassium phosphate in cases of low-dose infusion group, and the double-dose group had the severe hypophosphatemia may be considered for the purpose of lowest potassium (nadir of 3. About 50% of deaths occur in the rst should subsequently be adjusted based on ongoing acidosis (60), 48 to 72 hours. Sodium bicarbonate therapy may be considered in adult individuals in shock or with arterial pH 7. Potential risks associated with the use of sodium rates the following principles of treatment: uid resuscitation, avoid- bicarbonate include hypokalemia (64) and delayed occurrence of ance of hypokalemia, insulin administration, avoidance of rapidly falling metabolic alkalosis. Point-of-care capillary beta-hydroxybutyrate may be measured in the hos- Hyperosmolality is due to hyperglycemia and a water decit. J Diabetes Investig istered initially at 500 mL/h for 4 hours, then 250 mL/h for 4 hours 2016;7:1358. Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors and euglycemic ketoaci- dosis: Wisdom of hindsight. Empagliozin, cardiovascular outcomes, Level 2 (60)] as measured by the normalization of the plasma anion gap and mortality in type 2 diabetes. Case of ketoacidosis by a sodium-glucose venous dextrose should be started to avoid hypoglycemia [Grade D, cotransporter 2 inhibitor in a diabetic patient with a low-carbohydrate diet. Prescriber beware: Report of adverse effect of sodium- Abbreviations: glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor use in a patient with contraindication. Comparison of arterial and venous blood gas values in the initial emergency department evaluation of patients with diabetic keto- Glycemic Management in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes, p.

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