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Similarly genetic mechanisms that lead to defects in immune function may predispose to infection gastritis vs ulcer ditropan 5 mg buy with mastercard. Malnutrition gastritis diet 800 order ditropan 5 mg amex, both undernutrition and excess nutrition gastritis diet beverages best buy ditropan, may predispose to immune defcien- cies that lead to infection. Infection that leads to poor intake or absorption of nutrients leads to malnutrition completing this triad. Deprivation of glucose and glutamine to macrophages or neutrophils decreases cyto- kine production and phagocytosis [21,22]. In contrast to undernutrition, nutrient excess can activate stress responses and activate infammation such as those that occur in obesity. Immunonutrients that enhance immunity may foster novel preventive strategies against infections, especially those nutrients whose defciency states are associated with increased infection risk. Defciency of micronutrients, including minerals and vitamins, may increase susceptibility to infection by causing defcits in immune func- tion [35]. For example, defciency of the mineral zinc causes defcits in macrophage phagocytosis and intracellular killing [36–38]. Vitamin D defciency decreases appropriate antimycobacterial host responses [40–42]. Hence, vitamin D supplementation is being explored as an adjunct in the treatment of tuberculosis [43]. Glutamine improves improved neutrophil migration and phagocytosis after parenteral nutrition and glycogen-induced peritonitis in mice and contributes to cellular superoxide production [44,45]. Glutamine may also be benefcial in individuals in a proinfammatory state, such as after sepsis or after sur- gery [46,47]. The role of immunonutrients, namely glutamine, arginine, and nucleo- tides, in the perinatal period has been reviewed elsewhere [48]. Another important area of research is the discovery of biomarkers to identify both nutrient defciency and excess and to predict infection risk resulting from an immunodefcient state. A biomarker can be defned as a molecule that can be measured objectively and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological or patho- logical processes or responses to interventions [49–53]. Important biomarkers in nutrition research relate to dietary intake, exposure, nutrient defciencies, and bio- activity. Biomarkers currently available may be considered as recovery biomark- ers when they are recovered from urine or feces (e. However, to evaluate disease risk and its association with future clinical outcomes, a complex set of biomarkers is likely to be necessary. Existing nutritional biomarkers include serum retinol, homocys- teine levels, and vitamin D but more are needed to understand the complex role of nutrition in human health. Changes in nutritional biomarkers in infectious and/or infammatory states also need to be explored. Metabolic profling using state-of- the-art metabolomics has the potential to expedite biomarker discovery in human diseases [54]. Epigenetic changes are revers- ible by endogenous and exogenous stimuli and referred to as meta-stable, unlike genetic mutations that are nonreversible. Epigenetic mechanisms may be responsible for diseases associated with cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and other diseases asso- ciated with the aging process. Epigenetic alterations in the perinatal period (the period of maximum plasticity) may contribute to developmental programming that lasts throughout life, e. In adulthood, obesity, predisposition, weight loss, and clinical outcomes have been repeatedly shown to be associated with changes in epigenetic patterns [56,60]. However, explorations of epigenetic processes in many areas of human nutri- tion are lacking and remain a prime priority for future research. Gut dysbiosis occurs when the microbiome is disturbed by antibiot- ics or other stressors and may lead to human disease. The concept of enterotypes, patterns of microbiota, in humans has been suggested by Arumugam et al. Humans can be clustered into two or three distinct types based on their gut microbial communities. If subjects can be classifed into simple enterotypes, then clinical studies can proceed to group each enterotype to explore scientifc questions. Similar enterotypes were suggested by the Human Microbiome Project at the genus level; however, variation at the subgenus level can potentially confound enterotypes and the appropriate level of taxonomic resolution for metagenome association studies remains an open question [62,63].

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Part of this governance is ensuring staff are educated and trained and that they are using up-to-date interventions gastritis body aches buy ditropan 5 mg. In addition chronic gastritis symptoms stress buy discount ditropan 5 mg on line, the Essence of Care benchmarking statements have been designed to contribute to the introduction of clinical governance at local level nhs direct gastritis diet order ditropan with amex. Being able to jus- tify the care that you give may protect you or your organization from a claim in negligence. There is a developing culture of litigation and claims against health and social care organizations. Patients or clients who are unhappy about the care they receive can make a claim in negligence if they have suffered harm as a result of that care. Clinical governance, discussed earlier, includes several measures to ensure we provide safe and effective care. Let’s return to the example about the administration of an outdated travel vaccination. Let’s say that the worst does happen and you contract a serious tropical disease whilst you are away, the disease against which you had been vaccinated (with the less effective vaccine). In order to seek compensation you make a claim of negligence against the healthcare provider who did not use the best available evidence when selecting your travel vaccinations. To make a successful claim in negligence against a health and social care pro- vider, the patient/client has to demonstrate that the healthcare provider failed in their duty to provide care and that this failure led to harm. The courts have consistently ruled that such a failure occurs if the health or social care provider has provided care that is not evidence based. In this case, the administration of an outdated vaccine that is less effective than its newer version led to a greater likelihood of your contracting the disease and might lead to a claim of negli- gence. Under the current system, you can only make a claim in negligence if you have suffered harm. Therefore, you would not be able to claim in negligence just because you had received the less effective vaccine; you would only be able to make a claim if you did contract the disease or suffered some other harm. Let’s then say that unfortunately your friend also contracts the disease, despite receiving the newer vaccine – (no vaccination is ever 100 per cent effec- tive). If (s)he then attempts to bring a case in negligence against the health and social care provider, (s)he is less likely to be able to succeed because the practitioner in this case used the most up-to-date evidence to select the appro- priate vaccine and hence did not fail in the duty owed to the patient/client. Being able to provide a good rationale or explanation for your practice is an essential component of the concept ‘evidence-based practice’ and might even prevent you from becoming involved in any legal proceedings. Therefore, you can see that you are less likely to make errors or give the wrong information to your service users if you follow recommendations for best practice and have a sound rationale for what you do. We have used examples from professional health and social care practice to illustrate this and the likely implications that can arise from following a ‘non evidence-based’ approach. Throughout this book, we will look in more detail at how you might achieve an evidence-based approach. You wonder why this is and when you ask ques- tions in your professional practice, you get different answers! For both of the examples above you would need to take an evidence-based approach and ask the question: ‘What is the evidence for the way the care was undertaken? You might fnd a wide range of different research stud- ies, case studies, guidelines, literature reviews or opinion articles. You would then need to judge the quality of the evidence you fnd and whether it is relevant to your problem or issue. You would probably consider any research that you fnd to be of more value than someone’s personal view. This evidence should then be applied to the care of the patient/client, whose needs initiated the question, taking into account their preference and your clinical or profes- sional judgement. You may then want to evaluate the effectiveness of your interven- tion in that situation with that patient/client. We will cover how to ask the right question, how to search for the evidence, and how to judge the value and quality of different types of evidence in more detail later in this book.

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A plane can be upon appropriate regression of the other components developed on the ventral surface of the arch bluntly and of the six arches gastritis diet restrictions buy ditropan overnight delivery. The The thoracic duct ascends in the chest initially to the more common anomaly is the right aortic arch shown in right of the esophagus but moves into the lef chest at the Figure 2 gastritis diet vs exercise ditropan 5 mg buy online. Origin of the lef subclavian from a level of the fifh vertebral body to run medial to the aorta gastritis magnesium buy 5 mg ditropan mastercard. If the before entering the junction of the lef subclavian vein and ligamentum arteriosum arises from this same diverticu- jugular vein. If the subclavian artery aorta immediately adjacent to the subclavian artery during and ligamentum arteriosum arise instead from the anterior upper descending thoracic aortic surgery or arch repair. Conversely, abnormal regression of the remnant of the fourth arch may lead to a lef arch with aberrant right subclavian artery as Congenital anomalies shown in Figure 2. The aberrant right and lef subclavian arteries, associated with lef and right arches A brief review of congenital anomalies of the arch is help- respectively, pass in a retroesophageal manner. The normal they may create symptoms of dysphasia, although in the arch develops from the six pairs of aortic arches present vast majority of cases no such symptoms ensue. The right embryologically with retention of only portions of the aortic arch passes over the right main stem bronchus. In most cases it will pass behind the esophagus of the innominate artery and body of the definitive arch to regain its usual position on the lef and mid-chest. The are derived from the fourth arch, while the ductus origi- right arch may be recognized radiographically by lef- nates from the sixth arch. Normal development depends ward displacement of the esophagus on a barium esoph- agogram, or by absence of the aortic knob on a chest radiograph. The right arch is the most common congeni- Anterior scalene muscle Subclavius muscle tal malformation of the arch. Most ofen it is associated Brachial plexus with an aberrant lef subclavian and, in an exceedingly Axillary artery and vein high percentage of cases, is associated with congenital Esophagus Clavicle heart disease. It should be noted that in the presence of an aberrant subclavian artery there is an abnormal course Manubrium of the recurrent nerve. Phrenic Thoracic duct nerve Left superiorLeft superior Vagus nerveVagus nerve intercostal veinintercostal vein Common carotid arteries Subclavian arteries 3 Neurovascular bundle 3 Innominate artery 4 Isthmus 4 Right and left 6 pulmonary Ductus arteries Aorta Figure 2. The thoracic duct may be encountered if dissecting Pulmonary trunk medially along the upper descending thoracic aorta at the level of the Figure 2. Strategies Understanding the anatomy of the aortic arch and its for perfusion, neuroprotection, open graf replacement, branches, recognizing common anatomic variations, and and endovascular exclusion are largely selected based (a) Aortic rings (b) Double aortic arch (hypothetical perfect double arch) Right subclavian artery Right common carotid artery Retroesophageal (remnant of segment 3rd arch) (posterior aorta) Right ductus (remnant of 6th arch) Left common Left carotid artery subclavian (remnant of artery 3rd arch) Right and Left ductus left arches (remnant of (remnants of 6th arch) 4th arch) Aorta Midline descending aorta Pulmonary trunk Anterior–posterior Left lateral Figure 2. Such a double arch creates vascular ring which may compress the airway or, more often, the esophagus. A right arch with aberrant left subclavian may result in (b) the posterior-type arch with or without a complete ring depending upon the origin of the ligamentum arteriosum. This common anomaly seldom produces symptoms and accordingly surgical correction is usually not required. Prosthetic appreciation of the position of the arch in relation to adja- replacement of the aortic arch. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1975; cent structures – including the bronchus, esophagus, tho- 70: 1051–1063. Endovascular resents an important means toward preventing compli- repair of the thoracic aorta: lessons learned. Ann Thorac Surg cations and improving outcomes in patients undergoing 2005; 80: 857–863. John Rizzo, of on size of the aortic aneurysm; patients with larger aneu- the School of Epidemiology. Please note that it is not until afer three years of racic aorta to prevent rupture and dissection. In fact, ten follow-up, even in the largest aneurysms, that the sur- years ago, a literature survey disclosed nearly 300 papers vival curve drops significantly. The insights into the behavior of the thoracic aorta have These graphs argue strongly for elective, prophylac- been gleaned from our large, computerized database on tic surgical extirpation of the aneurysmal thoracic aortic thoracic aortic aneurysm, which cur-rently includes over 3000 patients and over 9000 patient-years of follow-up, together with 9000 catalogued imaging studies. Crawford established the dis- 0 mal prognosis of thoracic aortic aneurysm when there is 4 5 no surgical therapy, and his classic graph is very telling Time (years) (Figure 3. Elective surgery (a) Survival of patients with unrepaired thoracic aortic aneurysm 20 Medical therapy compared to that of the age- and sex-matched general population; Emergency surgery (b) poorer outlook of patients with descending compared to ascend- ing thoracic aortic aneruysm; (c) adverse impact of aortic dissection on 0 outlook; (d) larger aneurysms do more poorly in the long-run; (e) elective 0 1 2 3 4 5 surgical therapy is very safe and restores excellent long-term prognosis.

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To the extent that suffering secures imagined compensation and reward gastritis diet cabbage ditropan 2.5 mg buy on-line, such patients may be deeply invested in defeat- ing their clinicians’ efforts to help (cf gastritis symptoms yahoo answers ditropan 2.5 mg purchase without prescription. The attitude that contemporary therapists tend to call “victim entitlement” Personality Syndromes—P Axis 33 (“I’ve had a terrible life chronic gastritis definition generic 5 mg ditropan mastercard, so the world owes me”) often evokes irritated, judgmental, and even sadistic countertransferences. Clinicians can be helpful to the extent that they keep a focus on these patients’ need to grieve for past misfortunes and their capac- ity to take responsibility for current choices, irrespective of their difficult histories. In the context of a solid alliance, a clinician can help a patient recognize the negative con- sequences of efforts to convince the world that they have been wronged and to extract compensation in proportion to their grievances. The more paranoid version of masochistic dynamics involves the conviction that something terrible is bound to happen. For example, some patients who experienced a childhood caregiver as envious and retaliatory may become paralyzed with anxiety, expecting to be attacked for any personal success. Unconsciously, they may seek to “get it over with” by provoking the attack they anticipate as inevitable. This pattern is identifiable by the relief that follows the self-destructive enactment. The pattern needs to be identified and worked through patiently in treatment, as such a patient can only slowly tolerate the anxiety behind the urge toward self-destructive action. Patients with depressive personality dynamics generally benefit from their clini- cians’ sympathetic care and concern. In contrast, it is generally unwise to be too explic- itly sympathetic or generous when dealing with masochistic dynamics. Explicit com- passion and generosity may reinforce a patient’s unconscious conviction that suffering is the best or only route to connection, or may provoke self-destructive enactments in a patient who experiences guilt for accepting care that feels undeserved. Instead, tact- ful confrontation about the patient’s own contributions to his or her difficulties can stimulate curiosity about the meaning of self-defeating patterns. Finally, patients with masochistic personality dynamics may hold the unconscious conviction that their clinicians are interested in them only because they are suffering; such belief s can pose a powerful barrier to getting well. A clinician can help a patient become aware of such unconscious expectations, as well as help the patient recognize and feel that the clinician’s (and others’) interest and attention are not contingent on his or her suffering. Central tension/preoccupation: Self-criticism and self-punitiveness, or preoccu- pation with relatedness and loss (or both). Characteristic pathogenic belief about self: “There is something essentially bad or inadequate about me,” “Someone or something necessary for well-being has been irretrievably lost. Because individuals with severely dependent psychologies may find themselves unable to leave relationships that are exploitive or even abusive, such phenomena have sometimes been called “self-defeating” or “masochistic” (see the previous discussion of masochistic dynamics). The categories of “inadequate” and “infantile” personality in earlier taxonomies connote roughly the same construct as our use of the term “dependent personality. Psychological symptoms may appear when something goes wrong in a primary attachment relationship. At the neurotic level, people with dependent personality may seek treatment in midlife or later, after a bereavement or divorce, or after retirement confronts them with the absence of a context in which rules and expectations are clear. At the borderline and psychotic levels, dependent patients may become dysregulated when expected to depend on their own resources and may use costly defenses, such as somatization and acting out, in desperate bids to elicit care. Organizing their lives with a view to maintaining nurturing relationships in which they are submissive, they may feel contented when they have successfully developed such a relationship and acutely dis- tressed when they have not. Emotional preoccupations include performance anxiety and fears of criticism and abandonment (Bornstein, 1993). People with dependent per- sonalities tend to feel weak and powerless, to be passive and nonassertive, and to be easily influenced by others. They tend to idealize their therapists, ask for advice, and seek reassurances that they are “good patients. Some insist, even after being informed about professional boundaries, on offering favors and bringing gifts. Bornstein (1993, 2005) has conducted the only comprehensive empirical exami- nation of pathological dependency known to us. His findings suggest that it may arise from any or all of the following: overprotective and/or authoritarian parenting, gender role socialization, and cultural attitudes about achievement versus relatedness. Par- ticipants in his studies demonstrated “relationship-facilitating self-presentation strate- gies” such as ingratiation, supplication, exemplification, self-promotion, and intimi- dation.


Mortis, 28 years: The dry river bed appearance to edema within subcutaneous tissue illustrating pathologic changes. In some patients, there may be a dis- clavian artery and aberrant subclavian artery (Figure 25. The refection may be between an as a thickening or extension of the vessel wall into the interface and the front surface of the probe, in which case blood-flled vessel lumen, which would normally appear the reverberation artefact will be at twice the distance of black on the image. Early surgery during an index hospitalization was associated with a lower risk of mortality although it should be noted that surgery is performed less frequently in the highest risk patients.

Lester, 40 years: Uncomplicated, it earlier teaching, tonsillar hypertrophy and/or tonsillitis responds to antihistamines throughout the season of is/are not factor(s), although adenoidal hypertrophy is allergic symptoms, unlike viral colds, in which antihista- the second most prevalent underlying risk factor. The hyperechoic lines between the cornua are the sacrococ- cygeal ligament and underlying sacral bone, with the sacral hiatus lying between these two structures. This tip needle is quite small, typically causing the needle tip situation is often encountered during discography at the to veer only a few millimeters as it advances. Staf radiologists interpreted all images blinded to the content of the data collection forms.

Yussuf, 47 years: It is often based on observation or experiment and writ- ten up as a research study. Mobile apps for pediatric obesity prevention and treatment, healthy eating, and physical activity promotion: just fun and games? Sections of the Manuscript/Article Title Page • The title is what catches the reader’s eyes and deserves careful thought. Some to maximize efficacy and minimize complications asso- authors have used adhesive in the brachiocephalic vessels ciated with using this product (Figure 24.

Avogadro, 29 years: Stages of construction and adjustment of a maxillary occlusal device (previously called a night guard). D: Radiation exposure to both the patient and the practitioner is dramatically increased when the x-ray tube (source) is inverted above the 0. In this specific case (Panel B), an unsuccessful attempt at transseptal puncture was made 350 Chapter 21 ● Electrophysiology Interventions A ⊡ Fig. Once disease progresses into the extend from the furcation of one tooth aspect to the fur- furcation area, access for removal by the dentist or dental cation on another tooth aspect.

Amul, 43 years: For a mechanical prosthesis, the physiologic 2 prosthetic regurgitant flow typically has a regurgitant jet area of <2 cm and jet length of <2. Endpoints: Primary outcome: Time to recovery (measured only in the 295 children whose caregivers could be reached by phone). Analgesia may be needed and systemic steroids may be required for acute organ disease, especially progressive renal impairment. Pressure Regulators with Flowmetering for Probes (quick connectors) for use British Standards Institute.

Mine-Boss, 34 years: Although this raises valid concerns regarding the long-term benefit of many expensive drugs, it is interesting that the overall survival in this patient population is improving. Procedure For a resting study, the patient lies supine whilst anterior and left anterior oblique images are acquired. Patients with stronger quadri- ceps strength on the operative compared with the nonoperative leg reported less pain, better function, and improved quality of life. In addition to optimal medical therapy, surgical interventions can prevent or reduce the impact of negative remodeling in the failing heart.

Akascha, 33 years: Children Before undertaking trial in children, the investigator must ensure that: a. At the ultrastructural level, they are composed of strands of rough endoplasmic reticulum, frequently arranged in parallel manner, together with glycogen granules [226]. Thus it may be seen that observation is often combined with informal interviewing. While this was initially successfully corrected with a stent, com- plete stent thrombosis occurred after just a few weeks.

Osko, 44 years: This is why it is important to determine what evidence you need in the frst instance. Prophylaxis of Symptomatic Disease in Children Who Have Asymptomatic Infection/ Latent Infection Where a child has a documented but asymptomatic infection and targeted antimicro- bials are given to prevent the development of symptomatic disease (eg, latent tubercu- losis infection or therapy of a stem cell transplant patient with documented cytomega- lovirus viremia but no symptoms of infection or rejection; to prevent reactivation of herpes simplex virus). The skin may be involved by herpes zoster, cellulitis, contusions, and lacerations. Cotton Opening dorsal wedge on the 1st cuneiform Hoke Plantarly based wedge arthrodesis of the navicular and the medial and intermediate cuneiforms.

Gancka, 32 years: Doing so, the duration of does have some drawbacks: it requires a rather sophisticated circulatory arrest in the lower part of the body is reduced perfusion circuit; lateral cannulation of the brachiocephalic to the time of the distal anastomosis. One must keep an ectopic pregnancy in mind even if the examination is normal and plan follow-up examinations and ultrasonography should the situation warrant. A flag and must be evaluated as soon as possible to rule out magnetic resonance image is helpful in children and carcinoma. Greinacher, Evaluation of pretest clinical score (4 T’s) for the diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia in two clinical settings, J.

Koraz, 26 years: A—Autoimmune collagen vascular disorders such as lupus erythematosus and autoimmune neutropenia should be remembered by this classification. Benzocaine + Antipyrine (Auralgan)—otic analgesic: 2–4 drops in affected ear followed by a cotton plug q2hrs. The K+-sensitive glass electrode 2 3 2 The co-oximeter consists of 69% SiO2, 4% Al2O3 and 27% Na2O. Bacterial diseases include typhoid, plague, tuberculosis, skin infections, tularemia, meningococcemia, and brucellosis.

Zakosh, 27 years: There is emerging evidence supporting anti-inflammatory therapy as an initial strategy in a patient with inflammatory constrictive pericarditis or effusive–constrictive pericarditis. Pericardial effusions are typically of low intensity on T1-weighted spin- echo images and of high intensity on gradient echo images. Extrinsic: Cervical ribs, scars of the neck, tonsillitis, dental abscess, or cervical adenitis may cause torticollis. Temel, frst author: Early palliative care for patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer.

Karrypto, 56 years: Her mother inquires as to which of tions of test results distinguishes this as thyroiditis as the results would be most favorable if the finding opposed to primary hyperthyroidism? Additionally, rele- the morbidity of these therapies while not com- vant complications of neck dissection and pre- promising oncologic outcome. Abnormal physical findings can persist Mycoplasma (cold agglutinins) and viral agents beyond 7 days in 20-40 percent of the patients, while should be considered now. Examine under microscope for the presence of fungus; if present, the septated fungal hyphae can be seen growing through the epithelial cells.

Ilja, 55 years: His liver is affected by severe congestion and he should receive preoperative plasma D. The changes observed appear to be technically valid and make physiological sense, so the manuscript should be accepted B. Whereas suspected purulent or tuberculous effusions are considered an indication for pericardiocentesis, grossly infected pericardial fluid should be managed surgically. The importance of evidence based practice means that this text will be as relevant for experienced practitioners as it will be for students embarking on a career in health and social care.

Dimitar, 23 years: The to push-off the examiner’s hand (push-off test) tests the other conditions are each subtly different from one subscapularis. The onset of the rapid increase of pulsations corre- The device consists of a low compliance fnger cuff and sponds to systolic pressure, maximum pulsations to mean tubing connected to a rapidly responding solenoid valve pressure, and the rapid offset of pulsations to diastolic and air pump. T—Trauma signifies surgical ligation of the ureters, ruptured bladder, and instrumentation of the urinary tract. Loss of cerebral autor- egulation and brain injury begin afer about 30 minutes Patients with extended encephalopathy remain stupo- of continuous seizure activity [22].

Riordian, 30 years: Look for operation movements scars and Wrist extension and flexion ‘With the elbows in the palpation same position place the hands back to back with the fingers pointing down’ Elbows: look for nodules, rash ‘Bend your elbows bringing your hands up to your shoulders’ Shoulders: ‘Raise arms sideways, up Abduction to 180° to point at the ceiling’ Rotation ‘Touch the small of your back’ Hips, knees, Hips: lift leg (bended knee) and position upper leg vertical. Additionally, the study authors did not provide criteria for when to order chest x-rays on an as-needed basis. However, most people are of the anterior two thirds and posterior one third of the unable to stick their tongue as far forward as in this tongue. Reducing the risk of transmitting relevant communicable diseases from the recipient to the donor C.

Dawson, 37 years: Special consideration for the cultural characteristics of the communities that are being studied is essential to prevent any disturbance to cultural sensitivities because of the investigation. Particular problems encoun- tered include: • unfamiliar territory • unfriendly environment: extremes of hot and cold and altitude, even in normally temperate climates dark, wet, cramped conditions • unfamiliar injuries: blast and crush injuries delayed extrication • risk to rescuers: nuclear, biological or chemical incidents Figure 27. Specialized techniques and reagents are available to help distinguish the classes of antibodies. In both males and females, the physician should be alert for congenital anomalies of the genitourinary tract (e.

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